Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday's Tip - Copyright Issues Presentation

This week's Tuesday's Tip is:  Review Cath Madden Trindle's presentation on "Copyright Issues for the 21st Century Genealogical Community."

On the CSGScopyright (Copyright Issues for the 21st Century Genealogical Community) blog, Cath Madden Trindle posted "Educational Materials" today with links to her PowerPoint presentation, titled "But It's My Family ..." and her syllabus.  The links to the two documents are at http://csgacopyright.wordpress.com/educational-materials/.

While reading the presentation, and the handout, is not the same as "being there" to hear what Cath has to say, it's better than not having the information at all.

Cath's blog post said:

" I would like to make my presentation materials available to anyone that would like to do so or to any society that would like to share with it’s members.  Feel free to download, change, enhance, share or anything else that would be useful in helping the genealogical community understand the issues of copyright."

I encourage readers to do that and to share this information with their genealogical society members.

My thanks to Cath for making these materials available to read and to share.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2012/12/tuesdays-tip-copyright-issues.html

Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver

1 comment:

The Brigham City Fort said...

This is a good tip. I added to my blog of yesterday--Amanuensis Monday--"An Early Christmas Gift". I posted another picture and then remembered I need to go back a put in the credit for it. Another thing I like about blogging is you can go back and make corrections or additions.