The Geneatopia home page (above) has links to "Genealogy News" (where you can listen or download the podcasts) and "Transcripts" (where you can read the script for each podcast.
I clicked on the "Genealogy News" link and the page provided a list of the available episodes, with the most recent episode at the top of the list:
On the right-hand side of the page on the screen above there are links to get the direct podcast feed, listen to the podcast on iTunes, or listen on Stitcher.
Each podcast has a link to "Read more" which provides a link to listen to the podcast in a new window or to download it to your computer for listening later.
The three podcasts that I listened to were 15 to 30 minutes in length, and feature Patty discussing the news items for the week.
On the "Read more" screen above, there are links for the news items that Patty discusses during the podcast. She also provides some "coming soon" items such as webinars, conferences, chats, etc.
At the bottom of the screens above, there are Tags to keywords that can be clicked on to see when that topic has been discussed in other podcasts.
I clicked on the "Transcripts" link and saw the list of podcast transcripts:
Each transcript is text of the items that Patty discusses on the podcast. A reader can easily find items of interest by reviewing the transcript.
Since I learn best by reading and doing rather than hearing something said, I prefer the transcripts.
After reviewing a number of the transcripts, I learned quite a bit about what has happened in the genealogy world over the past few months.
Patty Roy is providing a valuable service to genealogists - she has organized and archived genealogical history in the 29 episodes (from July 2013 to the present) to date. This is a worthy endeavor, I think, and I know I'll be a frequent reader and listener.
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Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
Thanks for such a nice review. I'm glad I've got another listener and reader. And maybe a few more will be listening after they read this post.
I'll have to go & check it out! I prefer reading most of the time, though I do listen to podcasts while doing the dishes or cooking! I just have to stop & take notes sometimes.
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