For Immediate Release
April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014
Federation of Genealogical Societies calls for Award Nominations
Nomination Deadline is June 15, 2014
April 10, 2014 – Austin, TX. The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) calls for genealogy contribution award nominations throughJune 15, 2014. The specific award categories and a link to the submission form can be found at the FGS website: www.fgs.org/awards/awards.
Each year the Federation of Genealogical Societies recognizes and thanks genealogical and historical organizations as well as individuals who make significant contributions to family history. The FGS awards program honors the award winners’ activities and products, highlights their efforts, and provides examples and ideas on how others can accomplish similar goals.
FGS awards are given to societies and members of societies for outstanding and notable service to the genealogical community. Other awards may be presented throughout the year and announced in FGS publications.
Paula Stuart-Warren, FGS Director and Awards Committee Chair, adds, “The Federation has a long history of honoring its member societies, individual members of those societies, and others who give so much to our family history community. The awards program helps gain public recognition of the valuable work of dedicated volunteers. We each know of individuals and groups that deserve to be honored by their peers. Let FGS know about them and we will share the knowledge of their efforts with genealogists across the globe.”
The Federation especially encourages its member societies to recognize their great volunteers. The deadline for submission of award nominations is June 15, 2014. FGS Delegates should make their society boards aware of this opportunity. Further, please check the FGS awards page after May 1st to see some exciting additions to the lineup of FGS award categories.
About the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS)
The Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) was founded in 1976 and represents the members of hundreds of genealogical societies. FGS links the genealogical community by helping genealogical societies strengthen and grow through resources available online, FGS Forummagazine (filled with articles pertaining to society management and genealogical news), and Society Strategy Series papers, covering topics about effectively operating a genealogical society. FGS also links the genealogical community through its annual conference -- four days of excellent lectures, including one full day devoted to society management topics. To learn more visit http://www.fgs.org.
Follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ FGSgenealogy), Twitter (http://www.facebook.com/ FGSgenealogy) and on our blog at (http://voice.fgs.org).
Federation of Genealogical Societies
PO Box 200940
Austin, TX 78720-0940
phone: +1 (888) 347-1500
fax: +1 (866) 347-1350
PO Box 200940
Austin, TX 78720-0940
phone: +1 (888) 347-1500
fax: +1 (866) 347-1350
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/04/fgs-2014-award-nominations-deadline-is.html
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