I was asked this question in comments on another blog post today about Legacy Family Tree 8 genealogy software, and I didn't know if it could be done in any program yet using the synchronization of a source-certified program with the FamilySearch Family Tree.
First, I decided to see if I could do it in RootsMagic 6. I knew I could add sources in RootsMagic 6 to the FamilySearch Family Tree because I've added quite a few in the effort to reach 10 million FSFT sources over the past year. But I didn't know if a source in FSFT could be added to RootsMagic.
1) In RootsMagic 6, I chose my great-grandmother, Georgianna Kemp (1868-1952), and clicked the FamilySearch Family Tree icon to open the "FamilySearch Person Tools" screen, and then clicked on the "Sources" tab to see the sources in RootsMagic 6 (on the left side) and the sources for this person in the FamilySearch Family Tree on the right-hand side. There are 10 sources already in the FSFT::
2) I selected the 1920 U.S. Census entry on the FamilySearch Family Tree side, and a dialog box opened:
It said "What do you want to do with this FamilySearch source?" and identified the source title "Georgia K. Auble in household of Lyle L. Carringer, United States Census, 1920."
There are three radio buttons for:
* Detach source from the person or families
* Tag individual facts with this source
* Add this source to RootsMagic (select records to attach this source to)
I chose the third option, and carefully checked the 1920 Census Fact on the list. I could have checked any of the other Facts on the list, but this source is only for the 1920 Census Fact.
3) I clicked on the "OK" button on the screen above, and saw that the 1920 Census Source had been added to the RootsMagic source list on the left-hand side of the screen:
It's there on the source list in RootsMagic, third from the bottom.
4) My big question was "does it show up in RootsMagic as a source for the 1920 Census Fact?"
Back in the RootsMagic "Edit Person" screen, I click on the 1920 Census Fact, and then on the "Sources" button, and saw that there were two sources for the 1920 U.s. Census Fact. Here is the screen for the "Citation Manager" that comes up when I click on the "Sources" tab:
I selected the second one - that's the one that was added, and the source citation appears that was added from the FamilySearch Family Tree.
The resulting citation is:
Footnote: "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MHWX-5Z8 : accessed 09 Apr 2014), Georgia K Auble in household of Lyle L Carringer, San Diego, San Diego, California, United States; citing sheet 3B, family 70, NARA microfilm publication T625, FHL microfilm 1820132.
Short Footnote: "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MHWX-5Z8 : accessed 09 Apr 2014), Georgia K Auble in household of Lyle L Carringer, San Diego, San Diego, California, United States; citing sheet 3B, family 70, NARA microfilm publication T625, FHL microfilm 1820132.
Bibliography: "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MHWX-5Z8 : accessed 09 Apr 2014), Georgia K Auble in household of Lyle L Carringer, San Diego, San Diego, California, United States; citing sheet 3B, family 70, NARA microfilm publication T625, FHL microfilm 1820132.
Evidently, the FamilySearch Family Tree source citation, obtained from the FamilySearch record collection for the 1920 U.S. Census, only creates a Footnote, and the Short Footnote and Bibliography are duplicated (in the Family Tree, or in RootsMagic? I don't know).
5) I wondered what the source type was that was transferred, and what the source citation field entries looked like:
Evidently, RootsMagic put the entire source citation into the three Master Source fields. Note that there is nothing in the "Source Details" fields. This uses the "Free-form" source template (as shown in the upper right-hand corner of the "Edit Source" screen above)..
6) The source citation is actually pretty good. I'm not a big fan of putting the URL of the record (note that this source is for the record summary, not the record image itself), but another researcher can easily find this record using the information provided online (using the URL) or on microfilm (using the FHL microfilm number). Also, it doesn't have the NARA Roll number which is vital for finding the record, and should be part of a source citation for a census record.
However, there is a real problem: Every time a source citation is added from FamilySearch Family Tree, a new and unique source citation is created in RootsMagic. That's OK, but researchers using RootsMagic to capture source citations from the FamilySearch Family Tree need to be aware of it. I cannot use that master source for any other source citation because everything is added to the Master Source fields rather than being split up between the Master Source and Citation Detail fields.
For comparison purposes, my other source citation for the 1920 U.S. Census record for Georgianna (Kemp) Auble is:
1920 United States Federal Census, San Diego County, California, Population Schedule, San Diego city; ED 341, Sheet 3B, Lyle Carringer household; online database, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 13 April 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication T625, Roll 132.
That is very similar to the Evidence Explained model for census source citations.
7) Conclusions:
* A source citation can be successfully and easily transferred from FamilySearch Family Tree to RootsMagic 6 using the "FamilySearch Person Tools" in RootsMagic 6.
* The source that is transferred appears in the Fact source citation list as selected by the user. More than one Fact can be chosen before the transfer.
* The entire source citation is a new and unique master source without citation details (they are included in the master source fields).
* The Footnote, Short Footnote and Bibliography fields are identical for a source transferred from FamilySearch Family Tree.
It will be interesting to see if Legacy Family Tree Version 8 can do this task. I think that it should be able to.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/04/dear-randy-can-i-add-source-to-my.html
Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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1 comment:
Randy, thank you so much for posting this. I'm saving this one to help with explaining it to others that may be just starting out.
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