Tuesday, November 25, 2014

RootsMagic 7 is Now Available - with WebHints (FamilySearch and MyHeritage)

RootsMagic 7 genealogy software has been released and can be purchased at the www.RootsMagic.com website - check on "Store."  If you're a new user, it costs $29.95, if you are updating an earlier version it costs $19.95.

I downloaded the program tonight as an update, received my registration key via email, and had it working within about two minutes of pressing the Download button.

The RootsMagic website says that the updated features in Version 7 include:



  • RootsMagic automatically searches your favorite genealogy records sites including FamilySearch and MyHeritage for possible matches to your data
  • As matches are found, a light bulb appears next to each person's name
  • Clicking on the light bulb opens up a web browser with the matching records (some records may require a subscription)
WebHints  WebHints  WebHints


  • NameClean finds and corrects many common problems in personal names in your file
  • PlaceClean finds and corrects many common problems in place names in your file
NameClean  NameClean PlaceClean  PlaceClean

Compare Files

  • Compare any two RootsMagic files and display their differences
  • Share data between the compared files with the click of a button
Compare Files

Publish Online

  • Publish your family information to MyRootsMagic.com
  • Dynamic, database-driven sites with pedigree, family and individual views for each person
  • Can include notes, sources, and media for each person
  • Password protect your site to control access to your family data
  • See a sample website
Publish Online  Sample Website

Import Lists

  • Like to customize your files? Import lists of fact types, media, places, and more from another RootsMagic file to save time and effort
Import Lists

Backup and Restore with Media

  • Optionally include your media when you backup or restore your database
Backup and Restore with Media


  • See which groups a person belongs to with the click of a mouse
  • Check and uncheck a person's groups from a single screen

Drag-and-Drop Media

  • Drag-and-drop pictures and other files right onto a person's media screen to add them quickly

I will have to explore the WebHints later this week.  The WebHints are for MyHeritage and FamilySearch records that can are pushed to the software - a light bulb is shown when there is a WebHint.  For instance, here is a screenshot from my database:

See the yellow light bulbs on the right side of the person's name?  Those are the Web Hints.  I had to use this family because there aren't many WebHints on the earlier families!

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver

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