Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ancestry.com Subscriptions and the AARP Discount

There has been some discussion in Facebook and other social media sites that the AARP discount on an Ancestry.com subscription would be discontinued.

Matt Deighton of Ancestry.com just sent this in an email about this subject:


There has been some confusion recently concerning the AARP discount. I wanted to reach out and clarify a few things. Part of the confusion is the difference between the agreement with Ancestry and AARP expiring and an individual account expiring. For simplicity I’ve listed the facts:
AARP Agreement with Ancestry.com

·         The original agreement with AARP was for one-year and we are working to renew that contract now
·         The current agreement with AARP will expire March 31st but we are almost certain we will have the new contact signed by then so members will see no lapse in opportunity to sign up for the discount
·         The contract with AARP does not affect Ancestry’s agreement with our members in offering the discount. Even if the agreement was not renewed with AARP, we will still be offering the discount to our members who already signed up for the time agreed upon

Personal Use of the AARP Discount

·         You can only use the AARP discount of 30% one time (the discount only works for Word Explorer)
·         Regardless of what duration of membership you have, the discount will last up to 1-year
·         After receiving a year of the discount, you will be billed at the normal rate
·         If you are already an Ancestry member, simply call into our customer support line no more than 1 month before the end of your contract and we can migrate you over to the AARP discount (if you are monthly we can change you over at any time)
·         You can move over at any point but you will lose the remainder of your current subscription…so better to just wait until it runs out.


There will probably be another notice when the potential agreement becomes operative.

Thank you to Matt for providing this update - it helps.  Carry on!

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

1 comment:

Elizabeth O'Neal said...

This discount is the ONLY reason I signed up for AARP, and I have yet to take advantage of it. Glad to hear it isn't going away tomorrow! :-)