Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday's Tip - Check Out MyHeritage Webinars and Videos

This week's Tuesday's Tip is:  Check out the collection of MyHeritage.com Webinars and online videos.

MyHeritage occasionally produces webinars on genealogical research topics, and they are FREE to watch live or on the MyHeritage YouTube Channel after the live broadcast.

I've found the best place to keep track of upcoming webinars is the MyHeritage Blog page for Webinars and Videos.

Each blog post in that category highlights upcoming webinars or provides information about a past webinar.  The most recent webinar was on 11 February 2015 with A.J. Jacobs on "The Global Family Reunion: And You're Invited."  The webinar is archived on the MyHeritage YouTube Channel:

Other recent MyHeritage webinars include:

*  Discover Your Military Ancestors with Mike Mansfield and Laurence Harris (uploaded 20 November 2014)

*  Death and Genealogy: Cemeteries and Records with Schelly Talalay Dardashti (uploaded 30 October 2014)

*  Enriching Your Family Tree: Photos, Records, and More with Esther (uploaded 27 October 2014).

*  Golden Genealogy Rules: Tips to Uncover Your Family Heritage with Shauna Hicks (uploaded 18 August 2014).

*  MyHeritage Mobile App: Take Your Family Tree On-the-go (uploaded 24 July 2014)

*  Discover Your Family History Through Gravestones with Schelly Dardashti and Daniel Horowitz (uploaded 1 April 2014).

There are more.

The MyHeritage YouTube Channel also has the MyHeritage television commercials, press announcements and interviews.  I especially like one of the most recent short videos, the Discovering Instant Discoveries feature:

The MyHeritage video archives are one of many educational opportunities available online.  I encourage my readers and colleagues to take advantage of every available educational opportunity.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/03/tuesdays-tip-check-out-myheritage.html

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

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