In this blog post, I'm transcribing the 1893 will of Elizabeth Auble (1814-1899), with her two codicils.
The will images in the Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania probate records are:
The transcription of this will, including the codicils, is (with handwritten text in italics):
page 1]
AUBLE, of the City of Phil-
adelphia and State of Pennsylvania,
single woman,. being of
sound and disposing mind, memory and
understanding do make
publish and declare my last Will and
Testament in manner
following, that is to say.
FIRST. I direct that all my just debts
and funeral expen-
ses be paid by my Executors hereinafter
named as soon as con-
veniently may be after my decease.
SECOND. I direct that my funeral shall
be strictly private
with as little display as possible, and
that my remains be in-
terred in my burial lot in Mount Peace
Cemetery and I give
and bequeath to my Executors
hereinafter named the sum of
Three hundred dollars in Trust to
invest the same and to pay
the income thereof to the proper
Officer of the said Cemetery
Company to be devoted to keeping the
said burial lot in good
order and repair and it is my will that
after my remains shall
have been interred in the said lot no
other body shall ever
be buried or placed therein.
THIRD. I give and bequeath to The
Fidelity Insurance, Trust
and Safe Deposit Company my house and
lot No. 989 Marshall St.
in Trust to hold the same and to permit
my brother Hampton
Auble to occupy said property for and
during all the term of
his natural life, or at his option to
rent the same and col-
lect the rents thereof, he paying all
taxes, water rents and
keeping said property in good order and
repair. I also give
and bequeath to the said The Fidelity
Insurance, Trust and Safe
Deposit Company the sum of One thousand
dollars in Trust to
[page 2]
invest the same, collect the income
thereof and pay the same
to my said brother Hampton for and
during all the term of his
natural life. Provided, that the said
property and the said
bequest shall in no way be liable to
the creditors of my said
brother, nor to assignment,
anticipation or alienation. The
same shall be held in the discretion of
the said Trustee for
his maintenance and support. From and immediately after his
decease I direct that the use of said
Trustees in Trust for
his daughter Miami Geary, Wife of
Edward Geary, upon the same
trusts as are above set forth with
reference to my said brother.
Upon her death, the same shall be held
for her daughter Flor-
ence Geary upon the same trusts, and
upon the death of the
said Florence or on the death of the
survivor of the said
Hampton, Miami or Florence, then the
said property No. 989
Marshall Street shall be sold by my
Executors and the proceeds
thereof together with the Trust fund
shall go to and vest ab-
solutely in the children of the said
Florence Geary and the
issue of any deceased child per
stirpes. Should the said
Florence leave no issue her surviving,
then I direct that the
same shall be distributed unto and
among my heirs at law as
if I had died intestate.
FOURTH. I give and bequeath to Lillie
T. Auble daughter of
William H. Auble, my piano and cover.
FIFTH. I give and bequeath the
following pecuniary legacies.
To my brother David Auble, the sum of
One Two thousand dollars.
To my brother Robert Auble, the sum of
One Two thousand dollars.
To my nephew, William H. Auble, son of
my deceased brother Will-
iam Auble, the sum of One thousand
[page 3]
To my niece Euphemia Foster, daughter
of my sister Sophia the
sum of Five hundred dollars.
To my niece Anna Bunting, daughter of
my brother David Auble,
the sum of Five hundred dollars.
To Elizabeth Schunover, the sum of Five
hundred dollars.
To my niece Elizabeth Auble, daughter
of my brother Robert
Auble, the sum of Five hundred dollars.
To Anna Dickerson, wife of Wesley
Dickerson, the sum of Five
hundred dollars.
To David Schunover the sum of Three
hundred dollars.
To Elizabeth Mansfield the sum of Three
hundred dollars.
SIXTH. I give and bequeath unto the
Fidelity Insurance,
Trust and Safe Deposit company the sum
of Five hundred dollars
in Trust to invest the same, collect
the income and hold the
said principal and income until William
Collingburg, grandson
of my brother Nathan Auble, shall have
attained the age of 21
years, at which time, both the
principal and accumulated int-
erest shall be paid to him absolutely.
Should he die before
attaining majority, then I direct the
said sum shall be held
in trust for his half brother Frank
Delly upon the same con-
ditions and limitations as are above
set forth.
SEVENTH. I direct that the collateral
inheritance tax upon
all of the legacies in my Will shall be
paid out of my resid-
uary estate.
EIGHTH. All the rest, residue and
remainder of my Estate,
real personal and mixed, whatsoever and
wheresoever situate,
I give, devise and bequeath unto such
of my brothers as may
survive me, to be divided equally
between them. The share of
[page 4]
my said brother Hampton, however, to be
held upon the same
Trusts as are herein before limited and
declared in the third
item of this will.
NINTH. I direct my Executors
hereinafter named to sell and
absolutely dispose of all of my real
estate either at public
or private sale or sales at such price
or prices and upon
such terms and conditions as they may
deem for the best int-
erest of my Estate and on such sales,
to make, execute and
deliver to the purchaser or purchasers
thereof good and suf-
ficient deeds or other assurances in
the law therefor, without
a liability on the part of the
purchasers to see to the ap-
plication of the purchase money.
Provided, that my said prop-
erty No. 989 Marshall Street shall not
be sold until after the
death of the survivors of the
beneficiaries named in the 3rd,
item unless it shall in the discretion
of my said Executors
be for the interests of the Trust so to
do. I further direct
that all of my personal Estate not
herein specifically bequeath-
ed shall be sold and converted into
TENTH. I nominate constitute and
appoint The Fidelity In-
surance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company
to be the Executor of
this my last Will and Testament, hereby
revoking and making
void all wills by me at any time
heretofore made.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set
my hand and seal this
Seventeenth day of August in the
year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and ninety
Elizabeth Auble
Signed, sealed published and declared
by the said testatrix
[page 5]
as and for her last Will and Testament
in our presence, who
in her presence and at her request and
in the presence of
each other have hereunto subscribed our
names as witnesses.
Note: The word “one” twice
stricken out and word “Two” written
therein in the legacies to my
brothers David and Robert at foot of 2nd page
so that Each shall receive two
thousand dollars before signing.
Jas. W. Hazlehurst
329 Chestnut St.
H. H. Pigott
August 17, 1893
In addition to the legacies given in
above will
I give and bequeath the following:
To Cora Struble wife of Edward
residing at Newton New Jersey the
sum of Three
hundred dollars.
To Elizabeth Snover, my namesake,
with her grandfather _____
at Stillwater New Jersey the sum of
hundred dollars.
The above to be free from Collateral
Witness my hand and seal this day
year above written
Witnesses Elizabeth Auble {seal}
Jas. W. Hazlehurst
329 Chestnut
H. H. Pigott
[page 6]
AUBLE, of the City of Phil-
adelphia, single woman, Do hereby make,
publish and declare this as and for
a Second Codicil to my last Will and
Testament above written.
WHEREAS, my brother David Auble has
departed this life; Now Therefore I
do revoke the legacy of Two thousand
dollars (2,000) to him, and direct
that in lieu thereof the sum of One
thousand dollars ($1,000) free of tax
shall be paid to his widow Sarah Auble.
And WHEREAS, my niece Euphemia Foster
has departed this life; Now There-
fore I do revoke the said legacy, and
give the Sum of Three hundred dol-
lars ($300) free of tax to Gertrude
McCracken, the daughter of John Mc-
Cracken, of Blairstown, New Jersey.
I give and devise to Louie Dickerson,
daughter of Wesley Dickerson, of
Newark, New Jersey, the sum of Three
hundred dollars ($300) free of tax:
also to Mary Auble, wife of Theodore
Auble, residing at Blairstown, New
Jersey, the sum of Three hundred
dollars ($300) free of tax.
I give and devise to David Struble the
sum of Three hundred dollars
($300) free of tax.
The shares of any that are minors are
to be held until their arrival at
majority, the income to be accumulated
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal this thirty-
first day of March Anno Domini One
thousand eight hundred and ninety-six
Elizabeth Auble
Signed, sealed, published and declared
by the said Testatrix as and for
a second Codicil to her last Will and
Testament in the presence of us
who in her presence and in the presence
of each other have hereunto
set our hands at her request as
witnesses. (Note: “In all other respects
I confirm my said Will” on 16th and 19th lines first stricken out
before signing).
Jas. W. Hazlehurst
H.H. Pigott
The source citation for this will is:
Pennsylvania Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, indexed records and digital images, (, Philadelphia County, "Wills, No. 143-170, 1899," Estate No. 145 (images 19 to 45), Elizabeth Auble estate file, died 1899.
As a single woman writing her will she bequeathed property and money to several of her siblings, to several nieces and nephews, and perhaps to unrelated persons. She also provided for a life estate for her brother, his daughter, and his granddaughter.
Elizabeth Auble was never married and had no children. She was the daughter of John and Anna (Row) Auble, and died 13 January 1899. Before I found this will and read it, I had only five children in my RootsMagic database for John and Anna (Row) Auble - Elizabeth, David, William, Hampton and Robert Auble. I had a big surprise when the will named two more siblings of Elizabeth, Sophia and Nathan.
I will list and discuss the heirs in a separate blog post. I will then discuss each set of heirs in a separate blog post. There are persons in this will who are not in any other online family tree. My goal in this series is to more fully identify Auble cousins who may have family information about my Auble families, and who may share my autosomal DNA.
Suffice it to say that this will vividly illustrates the point that persons who die without issue are often the best persons to have in your family tree - they may reveal family connections by naming relatives who are extended family that are not in your family tree database.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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Randy, you must have been very excited to uncover the names of more siblings in the will! Sometimes I don't follow through on a single person because there will be no spouse or children listed. This is a good lesson to look for siblings. Thanks!
Randy, not sure if I missed it but did she leave anything to sister Sophia or had Sophia passed already.
Lots of great information in this will. Curious to where she came to have this amount of money.
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