The transcription of this obituary is:
Mr. William Seaver, one of the best-known busi-
ness men of Boston, died at his residence on Rug-
gles street yesterday morning, at the age of 56
years. He established himself in the grocery busi-
ness with his brother at the corner of Ruggles and
Tremont streets, in the early settlement of that
portion of the town of Roxbury, and carried it on
with great success for more than thirty years. He
was a public-spirited man. In politics his sympa-
thies were with the democratic party, but being of
an independent turn of mind he usually followed
the course his own judgment dictated, and
espoused it with untiring zeal. He was often
called to serve the public and was for several
years an assessor and an alderman of the
city of Roxbury; he represented that
city in the General Court, and served three years
upon the board of public institutions in Boston,
all of which duties he performed with industry
and honor. His genial and kindly nature won for
him hosts of friends, and among the poor and
struggling in the neighborhood no one will be more
sincerely missed or mourned. He was ever ready
to aid or contribute for any good cause, and to him
no deserving applicant sought relief in vain. His
funeral will take place from the Universalist
church on Thursday afternoon next.
The source citation for this obituary is:
"William Seaver," obituary, Boston [Mass.] Daily Advertiser, 27 April 1874 issue, page 1, digital image, GenealogyBank ( : accessed 9 August 2016), Newspaper Archives collection.
William Seaver (1818-1874) was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts to Joshua and Nancy (Sumner) Seaver, and was married twice. He married Martha P. Wentworth (1816-1857) in 1843, and they had three children: William Seaver (1844-1894); Martha P. Seaver (1847-1847); Edward Seaver (1849-1921). He married, secondly, Eliza Brady (1831-1897),in 1866 in Roxbury, and they had two children: Llewellyn Davenport Seaver (1867-1936) and Horace Nathanael Seaver (1872-1873).
I found it interesting that there was no mention of his family in the obituary. It was all about his civic duties, his business, and his character.
William Seaver (1818-1874) is my 4th cousin, six times removed. His grocery store was not far from where Robert Seaver (1634-1683) resided in Roxbury.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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