At this time of year, when we look at the freedoms we hold as Americans, we look back to those who made it possible. At Ancestry, we wanted to learn more about the descendants of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Who were they? Where are they now? What do their lives look like?
In John Trumbull’s iconic “Declaration of Independence” painting, it spotlights one of the most significant moments in our country’s history with the original signers. Ancestry has recreated the scene with 29 living descendants of these historic figures, and the moment is captured in 60- and 30-second television spots (produced by Droga5). What the public will see is a surprising and powerful look at how different America is today than in that historic moment captured in 1776 – showcasing a diverse group of descendants: men and women, Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Filipino, Native American, Korean, among others. The campaign highlights how our individual and collective history is an important part of our country’s complex DNA and that we are all universally connected, sometimes in unexpected ways.
Our Youtube page also has a series of videos interviewing some of these descendants.
My comment: An interesting concept. Are you descended from one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence?
I don't think I am descended from a signer. I am related to many of them - the BYU Relative Finder program (https://www.relativefinder.org/) has a "Declaration Signers" category for those who are in the FamilySearch Family Tree. For instance: I am a 1st cousin 8 times removed to Robert Treat Paine, and a 3rd cousin 8 times removed to John Adams.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2017/06/ancestry-video-descendants-of.html
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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