* Volume 12, page 177 (image 106 of 321), starting about 30% down the right hand page:
The transcription of this record is:
1) Dower
We the Subscribers Being Appointed by
the Honourable
Silvanus Bourn Esq^r Judge of Probate
of Wills for the County of
Barnstable to make a Division and
partition of the Real Estate of
Capt^n Jabez Snow Late of Eastham in
said County Deceas^d by Setting
off to Elisabeth Snow Relict Widow to
said Deceased one third part
thereof by Meets and Bounds as her
Right of Dower is Accord-
ingly this third Day of July Anno
Domini 1761; Have set off
to the Said Widow by meets and Bounds
as followeth (viz) –
The Land Bounded beginning at the
Northwest Corner of the
Orchad thence Runing Southerly thirty
Rods by the way to a Stone
in the fence allowing a way from the
Road Down to the House
two Rods wide and from said Stone
thence Easterly Twenty Eight Rods
to a Stone in the Ditch thence still
Easterly as the fence now Stands
Thirty two Rods to a Stone In the fence
and from thence Northerly to
the pond then westerly Thirty Rods in a
Straight line to the Range
^of Capt John Atwoods Land then in the
of said Atwoods Land to the first Bound
Specified; the Great Room
Bedroom and Buttery with a Priviledge
to Bake in the Oven;
the meadow in the Great meadow below
the mill Bounded Begining
at Silvanus Snows SouthEast Corner
bound thence Southerly
fourteen Rods by the Shore thence
Westerly to the lower End then
Northerly Ten Rods to s^d Snows Bound
and then in said Snows Range
to the first Bound; the Wood Lott that
lieth near David Browns
Between Silvanus Snows Woodlot and
Samuel Snows Wood Lott;
and one Half of the pew in the meeting
House at the Northerly
End of s^d House.
Accepted &
ordered to be } Recorded & Comp^d Edward Knowles
Record^d Sept^r 17
1761 } Da^d Gorham Reg^r Samuel Smith
Nathaniel Atwood
* Volume 12, pages 178-9 (image 107 of 321), starting at the top of left-hand page:
The transcription of these records is:
2) Insolvency Report
We the Subscribers Being Appointed by
the Honourable
Silvanus Bourn Esq^r Judge of Probate
for the County of Barnstable
to Receive and Examine the Claims of
the Several Creditors to the
Estate of Jabez Snow late of Eastham
Gentleman Deceased Proseeded
to the Same and approve of the
following Demands:
To Silvanus Snow | £81 .15 . 5 | To Elisha Linnel | £ 0 . 0 . 8 |
To Willard Knowles | 22 . 1 . 9 | To Bettey Mayo | 0 . 8 . 5 |
To Malletiah Dillingham | 21 . 3 . 9 | To Jonathan Doane | 1 . 0 . 7 |
To John Averey | 16 . 3 . 0 | To Widow Tabitha Mayo | 1 . 8 . 0 |
To Joshua Atkins | 13 . 6 . 8 | To ye Estate of Benj^a Higgins | 10 . 7 . 1 - 2 |
To Edward Snow | 9 . 17 . 6 | To John Mulford | 0 . 3 . 11 |
To Nathaniel Atwood | 4 . 16 . 0 | To Halsel Nickerson | 0 . 6 . 10 |
To Joseph Myrick | 0 . 0 . 8 | To Nathaniel Bacon | 0 .13 . 3 - 2 |
To Joseph Mayo | 0 . 4 . 0 | To Samuel Sturges | 5 . 8 . 9 |
To Thomas Brown | 0 . 8 . 11 | To Thankfull Harding | 0 . 2 . 0 |
To Joseph Pepper | 0 . 1 . 4 | To Nathaniel Breed | 2 .10 . 6 |
To Philip Higgins | 0 . 1 . 8 - 2 | To James Pitts | 97 . 1 . 11 |
To Levi Smith | 0 . 6 . 10 - 2 | ||
Eastham October 30 1761 | £280 . 0 . 4 - 0 | ||
Soloman Pepper } Josiah Sears } |
Comissioners | ||
Exam^d Da^d Gorham Reg^r |
Barnstable SS The Accompt of Jabez
Snow Sole Executor
to the Last
Will of Cap^t Jabez Snow late of
Eastham in
s^d County Gentleman Deceased
3) Account
The said Accomptant Chargeth himself }
with the Goods and Chattels of y^e
Said Deceased }
as Specified in an Inventory thereof
Exhibited }
Into the Registry of the Court of
Probate for said }
County May 9^th 1761 Amounting to } |
£ 68 . 6 . 0 |
Also 32 bushels of Rye sold at vendu Not Inv^d | 5 . 0 . 0 |
Also Sundry Small debts Reg^d as pr Scedule & Book | 6 . 15 . 0 |
Also a Note of Hand Receiv^d | 15 . 18 . 8 |
By two thirds of the Real Estate Sold at Publick Vendue by Order from the General Court |
183 . 15 . 2 |
By 19 Bushels of Corn @ 2/8 | 2 . 10 . 8 |
£282 . 5 . 6 | |
And your Accomptant prays for an Allowance for the following Payments & Charges (viz) |
Paid y^e funeral charges and Doctors Bill | £ 7 . 0 . 10 |
Paid y^d Prisers 24/ paid for Srtting of y^e Widows Dower 25/1 | 2 . 9 . 4 |
Paid the Comiss^rs 24/ paid y^e Constable y^e Deceas^d Rates 50/9 | £ 3 . 14 . 9 |
Paid the widow Sundry allow^d ordered by the Judge | 17 . 6 . 8 |
Paid Deacon Edw^d Knowles my Attorney as pr his Account | 5 . 11 . 3 |
Paid for Nursing y^e Deceased & Attendance in his Last Sickness | 2 . 16 . 0 |
Paid Edw^d Snow for Getting hay harvesting Grain to after y^d Decease of Father pr his Acc^o | 10 . 15 . 0 |
Paid more he the Testator had as Treasurer &c | 1 . 3 . 2 |
Paid for Witnesses to the Will the Travel and Expence | 1 . 7 . 4 |
Paid for hay for y^e Stock before Sold 19/ p^d hay Pris^d 26/8 | 2 . 5 . 8 |
Paid for Petition of Gen^l Court for Sell Land &c | 0 . 6 . 8 |
Paid for Sell Personal Estate at Vendue &c | 1 . 6 . 8 |
Paid for Deed & Bonds agreable to s^d Petition & order | 0 . 9 . 0 |
Paid for Judge of Prob^e 21/1 Reg^r 38/8 Including Coppies | 2 . 19 . 8 |
The adm^r for time trouble & Expence in Administaring & Paying of Creditors as pr Scedule | 9 . 17 . 3 |
To the Hon^e Silvanus Bourn Esq^r Barnstable January 5th 1762 | £ 69 . 18 . 1 |
Errors Excepted
Jabez Snow |
Barnstable SS: By the Hon^e Silvanus
Bourn Esq Judge of Prob^te for s^d County
Jabez Snow Executor presented the
foregoing and made Oath that it Contains
a Just and true Account of his
Administration on the Estate of Jabez Snow late
of Eastham in said County Gent.
Deceased Represented Insolvent so far as
he hath proceeded therein &
Produced Receipts & Vouchers for y^e Several
payments therein Mentioned which is
Accordingly Accepted and allowed
January 5, 1762 Silvanus Bourn
Exam^d pr Da^d Gorham Reg^r
4) Dividend
Barnstable SS By the Honourable
Silvanus bourn Esq Judge of
Probate &c
for said county
It Appearing unto me by the Inventory
and Accompt presented to by Jabez
Snow sole Executor to the Last Will and
Testament of Jabez Snow late of
Eastham in said county Gentleman
Deceased Represented Insolvent
that the Funeral Expences Charges of
Administration and Necessary
Implements of Household allowed the
widow being first Subducted
there Remains but two Hundred Twelve
Pounds Six Shillings and
Eleven Pence, and the Claims of the
Several Creditors thereto as
Reported by the Comittee appointed to
Receive and Examine
y^e Same Amounts to Two Hundred Eighty
Pounds and four Pence
So that the Estate att Present will
bear to Pay to the said Creditors
no more than fifteen shillings &
two pence on the Pound of their
Respective Debts. I Do therefore
proportion the Surplussage
& Remaining Estate Among the
Creditors accordingly and order the
s^d Adminis^r to pay to the said
Creditors fifteen Shillings and Two pence ^on the pound^
of the Debts to Them Respectively Owing
as appears by the Comiss^rs Report
or List of Debts hereto Annexed Saving
to Each of the Creditors a propor-
tion of what more of the Estate Shall
hereafter Appear upon the
further Accompt to be Rendered
Given under my Hand and Seal of the
said court of Probate
this Seventh Day of January Anno Domini
1762 Silvanus Bourn
Exam^d pr Da^d Gorham Reg^r
Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991, indexed database with digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), Barnstable County, Probate Records, Volume 12, 1759-1774, pages 177-179, Jabez Snow, 1761/2 Dower, Insolvency Report, Account and Dividend
Jabez Snow and Elizabeth Paine (1702-1772) married in 1720 in Eastham, Massachusetts, and resided there for the remainder of their lives. They had six children alive at the time Jabez wrote his will on 31 July 1760. He died on 6 September 1760 and his wife Elizabeth died in 1772. Elizabeth and their six living children were named in the will of Jabez Snow; the only married daughter at the time was Eunice Horting [Horton].
The will and inventory were transcribed in Amanuensis Monday - Post 319: Probate Records of Jabez Snow (1696-1760) of Eastham, Mass. The will is very simple - one third to the wife and the rest bequeathed to the six children. The will of Jabez Snow was proved in the Barnstable Probate Court on 17 March 1761, and the Inventory was filed and approved on 9 May 1761.
The probate records in this post were available on Ancestry.com but were not indexed. I recently checked the Probate Index for Barnstable County and found these records that explain a lot more of what happened to the estate. In the Dower document, the widow's one third portion of the real estate was set off by the committee. In the Insolvency Report, the commissioners listed the debts owed by Jabez Snow to his creditors, totaling £282 0s 4d.. In the Account, the executor listed the income collected (£282 5s 6d), including the real estate sold at auction. He also listed the charges, fees and other expenses incurred during his administration (£69 18s 1d). The remaining estate was thus £212 6s 11d payable to the creditors. In the Dividend, the Probate Court Judge ordered that the creditors be paid 15 shillings and 2 pence on the pound (about 75% of that owed) from the remaining estate.
Note that the executor sold off the two-thirds of the real estate that was bequeathed by Jabez Snow to his heirs, and charged himself with the personal estate. It is very likely that the executor and his siblings bought at least some of the real property and all of the personal property in order to keep the house lot and other lands in the family. The widow received a portion of the dwelling house and other lands.
There is one more set of papers for this estate file. When the wife of Jabez Snow died in 1772, her one-third of the real property had to be sold at auction and the creditors paid up to what they were owed. I will transcribe those papers next week.
Jabez and Elizabeth (Paine) Snow are my 6th great-grandparents. Their eldest child, daughter Eunice (Snow) Horton, who married Nathaniel Horton in 1742, is my 5th great-grandmother.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2018/01/amanuensis-monday-1761-probate-papers.html
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
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