* Ancestry.com: 1,159 (Global); 262 (USA)
* FamilySearch.org: 4,676 (Global); 1,570 (USA)
* 23andme.com: 4,772 (Global); 859 (USA)
* MyHeritage.com: 5,576 (Global); 2,105 (USA)
* FindAGrave.com: 7,628 (Global); 1,745 (USA)
* Geneanet.org: 9,268 (Global); 365 (France)
* Ancestry.co.uk: 11,246 (Global); 496 (UK)
* Newspapers.com: 11,520 (Global); 2,907 (USA)
* Geni.com: 11,811 Global); 5,147 (USA)
* FamilyTreeDNA.com: 22,342 (Global); 6,200 (USA)
* WikiTree.com: 23,518 (Global); 6,332 (USA)
* Ancestry.com.au: 24,544 (Global); 421 (Australia)
* Ancestry.ca: 26,056 (Global); 617 (Canada)
* FamilyTreeNow.com: 40,425 (Global); 8,194 (USA)
* MyHeritage.de: 43,470 (Global); 1,836 (Germany)
* Findmypast.co.uk: 44,260 (Global); 2,447 (UK)
* GEDMatch.com: 45,457 (Global); 10,578 (USA)
* NewspaperARCHIVE.com: 53,122 (Global); 12,750 (USA)
* Fold3.com: 56,033 (Global); 13,120 (USA)
* Genealogy.net: 57,263 (Global); 3,503 (Germany)
* Genealogy.com: 57,398 (Global); 13,566 (USA)
* Archives.com: 57,445 (Global); 14,423 (USA)
* GenealogyBank.com: 59,595 (Global); 12m017 (USA)
* Findmypast.com: 69,591 (Global); 22,486 (USA)
* Ancestry.de: 71,251 (Global); 4,044 (Germany)
* MyHeritage.es: 75,023 (Global); 3,939 (spain)
* CollectionsCanada.gc.ca: 82,505 (Global); 5,091 (Canada)
* BillionGraves.com: 85,630 (Global); 25,690 (USA)
* MyHeritage.pl: 96,654 (Global); 1,832 (Poland)
* GenealogyToday.com: 98,256 (Global); 27,853 (USA)
* MyHeritage.fr: 104,023 (Global); 4,609 (France)
* Bac-Lac-gc.ca: 106,847 (Global); 4,727 (Canada)
* www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk: 115,629 (Global); 6,147 (UK)
* JewishGen.org: 118,090 (Global); 43,336 (USA)
* genealogieonline.nl: 120,274 (Global); 2,994 (Netherlands)
* libertyellisfoundation.org: 120,337 (Global); 32,563 (USA)
* MooseRoots.com: 120,485 (Global); 33,272 (USA)
* myheritage.com.br: 128,880 (Global); 4,865 (Brazil)
* MyHeritage.nl: 130,835 (Global); 2,852 (Netherlands)
* AncientFaces.com: 137,392 (Global); 31,975 (USA)
* MacKiev.com: 140,434 (Global); 32,056 (USA)
* FreeBMD.org.uk: 140,507 (Global); 8.260 (UK)
* RootsChat.com: 141,021 (global); 10,390 (UK)
* Ancestry.mx: 153,462 (Global); 4,549 (Mexico)
* MyHeritage.it: 156,233 (Global); 4,826 (Italy)
* CWGC.org: 161,699 (Global); 16,979 (UK)
* DAR.org: 163,474 (Global); 32,775 (USA)
* USGWArchives.net: 163,890 (Global); 31,280 (USA)
* Ancestry.se: 168,503 (Global); 1,121 (Sweden)
* Heredis.com: 168,092 (Global); 5.926 (France)
* FamilyTreeMagazine.com: 168,558 (Global); 44,989 (USA)
* Geneall.net: 170,118 (Global); 2,274 (Portugal)
* LivingDNA.com: 172,464 (Global); 55,868 (USA)
* Genopro.com: 173,711 (Global); 111,030 (USA)
* MyHeritage.se: 175,926 (Global); 1,456 (Sweden)
* MyHeritage.no: 178,091 (Global); 1,106 (Norway)
* forces-war-records.co.uk: 179,160 (Global); 10,955 (UK)
* Genoom.com: 182,339 (Global); 21,936 (Italy)
* SteveMorse.org: 186,754 (Global); 58,779 (USA)
* DigitalArkivet.no: 187,706 (Global); 1,417 (Norway)
* RootsWeb.com: 191,267 (Global); 46,761 (USA)
* GenesReunited.co.uk: 191,543 (Global); 10,676 (UK)
* ScotlandsPeople.co.uk: 195,290 (Global); 16,242 (UK)
* GenUKI.org.uk: 197,037 (Global); 16,164 (UK)
* IrishGenealogy.ie: 196,440 (Global); 77,650 (USA)
* ObituariesHelp.org: 203,785 (Global); 78,878 (USA)
* ISOGG.org: 208,620 (Global); 55,697(USA)
* TribalPages.com: 220,236 (Global); 84,092 (USA)
* ProGenealogists.com: 225,522 (Global); 49,032 (USA)
* FamilyHistoryDaily.com: 229,939 (Global); 47,355 (USA)
* GenealogyTrails.com: 233,249 (Global); 41,924 (USA)
* MyRelatives.com: 235,649 (Global); 49,872 (USA)
* AccessGenealogy.com: 257,538 (Global); 71,160 (USA)
* HistoricMapWorks.com: 259,709 (Global); 47,481 (USA)
* Ancestry.it: 270,068 (Global); 7,976 (Italy)
* LegacyFamilyTree.com: 277,293 (Global); 115,872 (USA)
* Interment.net: 279,675 (Global); 70,497 (USA)
* Ancestry.fr: 283,628 (Global); 15,630 (France)
* DNA.LAND: 286,598 (Global); 57,554 (USA)
* FultonHistory.com: 304,986 (Global); 81,963 (USA)
* RootsMagic.com: 306,889 (Global); 74,644 (USA)
* CyndisList.com: 310,924 (Global); 109,120 (USA)
* DeathIndexes.com: 313,205 (Global); 62,514 (USA)
* FamilyTreeWebinars.com: 322,326 (Global); 125,582 (USA)
* Forever.com: 339,142 (Global); 102,504 (USA)
* findmypast.com.au: 340,005 (Global); 7,611 (Australia)
* TheGenealogist.co.uk: 383,032 (Global); 26,778 (UK)
* AmericanAncestors.org: 395,725 (Global); 76,676 (USA)
* WieWasWie.nl: 405,652 (Global); 15,626 (Netherlands)
* Findmypast.ie: 418,680 (Global); 5,555 (Ireland)
* RootsIreland.ie: 424,133 (Global); 135,035 (USA)
* FamilyTree.com: 427,092 (Global); 118,946 (USA)
* www.arkivverket.no: 435,322 (Global); 3,335 (Norway)
* GenealogyInTime.com: 456,322 (Global); 160,484 (USA)
* Famicity.com: 515,644 (Global); 30,835 (France)
* DNAGedcom.com: 520,404 (Global); 196,489 (USA)
* NGSGenealogy.org: 586,975 (Global); 162,246 (USA)
* WorldVitalRecords.com: 589,375 (Global); 165,763 (USA)
* LDSGenealogy.com: 597,729 (Global); 153,636 (USA)
* NewspaperObituaries.net: 618,503 (Global); 20,515 (USA)
* DNAPainter.com: 672,159 (Global); 140,251 (USA)
* OliveTreeGenealogy.com: 705,384 (Global); 172,065 (USA)
* One-Name.org: 854,945 (Global); 278,612 (USA)
* LegacyTree.com: 851,295 (Global); 357,318 (USA)
* TheDNAGeek.com: 887,507 (Global); 272,293 (USA)
* Genealogie.com: 905,544 (Global); 70,167 (France)
* MyTrees.com: 907,301 (Global); 123,420 (USA)
* OneGreatFamily.com: 990,827 (Global); 473,764 (USA)
* APGen.org: 1,074,879 (Global); 237,072 (USA)
* DutchGenealogy.nl: 1,145,907 (Global); 393,239 (USA)
* Genealogists.com: 1,150,230 (Global); 556,247 (USA)
* ChronplexSoftware.com: 1,200,376 (Global)
* TamuraJones.net: 1,209,783 (Global); 461,093 *USA)
* Puzzilla.org: 1,294,615 (Global); 446,435 (USA)
* ReclaimtheRecords.org: 1,410,518 (Global); 306,315 (USA)
* BCGCertification.org: 1,417,743 (Global); 317,681 (USA)
* AncQuest.com: 1,462,175 (Global); 505,320 (USA)
* SFGenealogy.com: 1,524,266 (Global); 384,337 (USA)
* NewYorkFamilyHistory.org: 1,537,663 (Global); 539,191 (USA)
* USGenWeb.org: 1,774,753 (Global); 504,201 (USA)
* GenSoftReviews.com: 1,793,780 (Global)
* EvidenceExplained.com: 1,823,988 (Global); 632,122 (USA)
* GenealogyCenter.info: 1,980,191 (Global); 322,419 (USA)
* WorldGenWeb.org: 2,187,389 (Global); ??? (USA)
* BeholdGenealogy.com: 2,159,464 (Global)
* Family-Historian.co.uk: 2,312,202 (Global); 273,876 (UK)
* FamilyChartMasters.com: 2,358,957 (Global); ??? (USA)
* Moughty.com: 2,474,205 (Global); 507,396 (USA)
* Crestleaf.com: 2,498,039 (Global); ??? (USA)
* FGS.org: 2,687,586 (Global); 593,520 (USA)
Selected Blog Website Traffic Rankings as of 29 December (Alexa):
* DNA-eXplained.com: 193,256 (Global); 43,545 (USA)
* EOGN.com: 288.948 (Global); 71,377 (USA)
* LegalGenealogist.com: 389,611 (Global); 98,434 (USA)
* TheGeneticGenealogist.com: 490,289 (Global); 95,753 (USA)
* AncestralFindings.com: 555,818 (Global); 128,820 (USA)
* KittyCooper.com: 647,945 (Global); 325,881 (USA)
* LisaLouiseCooke.com: 700,064 (Global); 245,685 (USA)
* TheAncestorHunt.com: 860,887 (Global); 210,757 (USA)
* GenealogyBargains.com: 870,350 (Global); 311,514 (USA)
* MyDescendantsAncestors.com: 958,832 (Global); 360,949 (USA)
* DutchGenealogy.nl/blog/: 1,133,498 (Global); 399,010 (Netherlands)
* TheFamilyCurator.com: 1,363,722 (Global); ??? (USA)
* Geneabloggers.com: 1,422,752 (Global); 307,253 (USA)
* www.GeneaMusings.com: 1,489,117 (Global); 499,990 (USA)
* GeneabloggersTribe.com: 1,534,107 (Global); 297,842 (USA)
* GenealogyBlog.com: 1,617,314 (Global); ??? (USA)
* AmyJohnsonCrow.com: 1,654,944 (Global); ??? (USA)
* Vita-Brevis.org: 1,823,581 (Global); 664,455 (USA)
* GenealogyTipOfTheDay.com: 1,865,847 (Global); 536,222 (USA)
* Anglo-Celtic-Connections.blogspot.ca: 2,270,052 (Global); 80,762 (Canada)
* AbundantGenealogy.com: 2,455,634 (Global); ??? (USA)
* DearMyrtle.com: 2,473,556 (Global); 564,095 (USA)
* GenealogysStar.blogspot.com: 2,531,075 (Global); 410,574 (USA)
* TheInDepthGenealogist.com: 2,616,330 (Global); 474,009 (USA)
* NutfieldGenealogy.blogspot.com: 2,879,617 (Global); 552,053 (USA)
I worked off a previous list, and added some of my favorites. I cut the lists off at 3 million in Global rankings. Some of the U.S. listings did not provide a USA ranking for some reason. Some sites, especially blogs, suffer in rankings because some of their traffic is from email readers or news reader feeds.
Alexa describes their metrics as:
"Our global traffic rank is a measure of how a website is doing relative to all other sites on the web over the past 3 months. The rank is calculated using a proprietary methodology that combines a site's estimated average of daily unique visitors and its estimated number of pageviews over the past 3 months. We provide a similar country-specific ranking, which is a measurement of how a website ranks in a particular country relative to other sites over the past month."
I know I have not listed every genealogy website or blog that exists with less than a 3 million Global ranking. I may have missed some that are relatively high ranking. If you have a favorite not on the list, please let me know in a Comment to this post. I will add it if the Global ranking is less than 3 million.
Last Updated: 4 January 2018
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2018/01/selected-genealogy-website-traffic.html
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
I didn’t know Alexa did this. She sits in my genea cave and keeps me company. I didn’t see her mentioning my blog though. Shame on her. LOL!
Randy: On Alexa, gensoftreviews.com is currently at rank 1,793,780. beholdgenealogy.com is at 2,159,464.
Thanks, Louis. I will add them.
Diane, put Alexa to work. She has her own web site, and has had one for decades. Way before she showed up on a virtual assistant.
Ask your Alexa to access Alexa.com and tell you what your blog ranking is.
What does your Alexa do for you? Make appointments? Lock her door, Feed the horse? Water the back 40? Is she pretty? I don't have an Alexa yet.
What a great start to the new year! Thank you for posting this Randy, it’s exciting to see so many friends on this list.
Interesting statistics.
Dnapainter.com is a relatively new site. Its global ranking is 672,159 (up from 2,025,794) and in the US it ranks 140,251
One site not being mentioned is ldsgenealogy.com. It ranks 597,729 globally and is 153,636 in the United States.
So did you leave me out for any reason? Blog.Kitty Cooper.com gets 647,945 global and 325,881 usa
Thanks for including me in your "select" list :-)
Another site you should include is GenealogyCenter.info, the website of the Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library. Currently ranked 1,980,191 worldwide and 322,419 in the US.
Thank you all for your input. I haven't visited every genealogy site, can't recall every site I visit, or every blog I read, and appreciate the help.
Kitty, I looked through blog posts for the past 3-4 days over the weekend and didn't see yours. I actually thought of your blog the night before you commented.
I am up to date on the list now. Have more suggestions? Please let me know.
Randy -
Thanks for adding me and thinking of me, although my blog URL has blog. in front of it but you can get there from my home page which you listed.
I have a list of the DNA focused blogs I follow here:
You might check the metrics for DNAgeek, segment-ology, and Lara's jewneology, those are some of my DNA favorites
I think Alexa is weighted toward frequency of posting since I did not see CeCe Moore up there, a must read for DNA people, but she rarely posts at her "your genetic genealogist"
and for those of you interested in Alexa rankings, you can install a chrome addon to check the ranking of any site tyou visit! https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=en
thednageek.com Global 887,507 United States 272,293
the others I like are above 1M globally ...
you are missing THE most important site for those of us with Norwegian ancestors:
digitalarkivet.no Global 187,706 Norway 1,417
and you are also missing an important tools site for DNA and adoptees:
DNAgedcom.com Global 520,404 United States 196,489
Fascinating! I don't have access to Alexa at this time. How does Alexa count website traffic? (Is genealogycenter.org counted as part of genealogycenter.info? I've only used the former, not the latter, but I see one can access databases from both sites.
Am curious as to nara.gov's ranking. (Do *.gov websites even show up in Alexa?)
Am also curious about state archive websites, especially, say for the colonial states (e.g. http://www.digitalarchives.state.pa.us/ )
For those of us with Danish ancestors, http://ddd.dda.dk/ddd.htm and https://www.sa.dk
(Danish Archives) are critical. I'm curious about how those sites rank -- presumably relatively highly in Denmark.
Thanks for your work in putting this together. (Found out about you from Roberta Estes' post on dna-explained.com Very cool!)
Hi cathyd,
Alexa does rank government websites - for instance NARA.gov has 888,000 ranking, and archives.gov has 7,858.
The state archives site like the PA site you listed defaults to the overarching URL, the state.pa.us site so it doesn't separate out the digital archives portion.
dda.dk is ranked 595,000 or so. sa.dk is ranked 327,000. But these are for all of the archives, of which genealogy is only a portion. Thank you for the Denmark links - my grandsons have Danish ancestry and i'm just starting to peruse records.
GenealogyCenter.org has a ranking of 2,420,000, so it's not as high as the .info URL for some reason.
Genealogycenter.org and .info are two different domains. The .org site has information about the Genealogy Center, its events, its blog, etc. The .info site has all of their free searchable databases (with more than 3.4 million records. (I do consulting for them on their databases.)
Thanks for this list, Randy! I don't understand the rankings at all, and I'm surprised to see my blog on this list of prestigious bloggers!
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