Tuesday, February 13, 2018

FamilySearch Announces RootsTech 2018 FREE Live-Streaming Classes

I received this information from FamilySearch today:


Popular RootsTech 2018 Announces Free Online Broadcast Schedule

Salt Lake City, Utah (12 February 2018), Mark your calendars! RootsTech, the world’s largest family history and technology conference, happening February 28 to March 3, 2018, announced its free live online streaming schedule. It will broadcast 19 of its popular sessions, including former Olympic gold-medalist Scott HamiltonBrandon Stanton, founder of the Humans of New York photo blog; host of the popular PBS show Finding Your RootsDr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.,   Natalia Lafourcade, and Steve Rockwood, CEO of FamilySearch International. 

The live broadcasts give those unable to attend in-person a sampling of the show's marquee content. Interested viewers can watch the select broadcasts live at RootsTech.org. No registration is required to view the live streams.

"RootsTech 2018 offers over 300 sessions for those able to attend in-person," said Tyler Stahle, RootsTech marketing manager. "However, the 19 sessions we will live stream for free will expand the show's reach and give more people the opportunity to participate remotely in this world class conference." In 2017, streaming sessions garnered more than 50,000 views, and that number continues to grow each year.

The free streamed sessions will include the popular general sessions and a sampling of technology and family history presentations appealing to varied interests.

RootsTech Live Streaming Schedule  

Watch at RootsTech.org. No registration is required to view the live streams. All times are in Mountain Standard Time (MST).

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

9:30 a.m.: Family History in 5 Minutes a Day – by Deborah Gamble

Explore 20 ways to effectively do your family history in as little as 5 minutes a day.

11:00 a.m.: DNA: One Family, One World (Sponsored by Living DNA) – by David Nicholson

A new project by Living DNA is mapping the world's DNA, building one world family tree through genetics. Gain insight into how this will impact your family history.

1:30 p.m.: Organizing and Preserving Photograph Collections – by Ari Wilkins

Step-by-step direction in organizing, preserving, and cataloging photo collections for future generations and identifying, digitizing, and sharing collections using family trees and social media.

3:00 p.m.: Finding the Answers: The Basics of WWII Research – by Jennifer Holik

Fire destroyed many US military and civilian service records. Alternative record sources exist to reconstruct service history. Learn how to research World War I and II records.

4:30 p.m.: Wednesday General Session and Innovation Showcase – by Steve Rockwood, CEO of FamilySearch International

Steve Rockwood explores where industry giant, FamilySearch, has been and is going. Introduction of the all-new RootsTech Innovation Showcase.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

8:30 a.m.: Thursday General Session – by Brandon Stanton, founder of Humans of New York

Brandon Stanton started Humans of New York, a photography and storytelling blog. HONY has built a devoted following of over 20 million fans across several social media platforms.

11:00 a.m.: MyHeritage DNA 101: From Test to Results – by Yaniv Erlich

Learn about the MyHeritage DNA service and how the process works, from taking the test to the lab analysis. Learn about MyHeritage DNA's over 40 ethnicities and how to optimize your DNA matches.

1:30 p.m.: Google Photos: Collect, Organize, Preserve, and Share – by Michelle Goodrum

Google Photos is a powerful, free app for storing, organizing, and sharing. Learn how to edit and create photo projects and automatically add your photos to the app from digital devices.

3:00 p.m.: Unlocking Roman Catholic Records – by Brian Donovan

The Catholic Church is essential for uncovering the lives of millions of immigrants from many nationalities. See how findmypast and the Catholic Church are working to make these records easily accessible.

4:30 p.m.: A Gift of Life: Who's Writing Your Story? - by Deborah Abbott

Only you can tell the real stories of love, loss, forgiveness, and change. Don't leave the task of finding the answers of your life's history to someone else. Take the time to write your life story.

Friday, March 2, 2018

8:30 a.m.: Friday General Session – by Scott Hamilton, Olympic Skater

Scott Hamilton is the living example that good guys CAN finish first! He is an Olympic champion, cancer survivor, television broadcaster, speaker, author, husband/father, and eternal optimist!

11:00 a.m.: findmypast's British and Irish Hidden Gems (Sponsored by findmypast) – by Myko Clelland

Explore some of the wonderful findmypast.com collections that can help you break down your British ancestry brick walls, go back further in your family research, and add untold color and detail to your family story.

1:30 p.m.: Finding the Right DNA Test for You – by Jim Brewster

DNA testing is becoming an integral tool, but what is it and what does it do? How can DNA actually help your genealogy? If you are brand new to genetic genealogy, this is the class for you.

3:00 p.m.: How Not to Leave Your Genealogy Behind – by Amy Johnson Crow and Curt Witcher

Nobody wants their genealogy research to end up in a landfill. Hear a few horror stories of genealogy materials destroyed and how you can avoid those mistakes.

4:30 p.m.: Finding Elusive Records at FamilySearch – by Robert Kehrer

Learn new skills and techniques used by the experts and lesser known record identification tools and features of the FamilySearch website.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

8:30 a.m.: Saturday General Session – by Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Natalia Lafourcade

Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., host of popular PBS Finding Your Roots series, and Natalia Lafourcade, one of the most successful Latin American pop singers, will keynote this opening session.

11:00 a.m.: Civil Registration Indexes of England and Wales – by Audrey Collins

England and Wales national indexes and recent innovations at the General Register Office have opened up new possibilities and completely new indexes.

1:30 p.m.: Advancing Your Genealogy Research with DNA (Sponsored by Ancestry) – by Anna Swayne

Learn what new tools AncestryDNA has to advance your research and get more out of your DNA results.

3:00 p.m.: Pain in the Access: More Web for Your Genealogy – by Curt Witcher

Library, archive, government, and specialized websites have much to offer. Discover these sites and strategies for getting more online data.

You can find this announcement online in the FamilySearch Newsroom


I am a RootsTech 2018 Ambassador, and have received a complimentary registration to RootsTech this year and in past years, which includes access to the Media Hub, Media dinners, and other opportunities.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2018/02/familysearch-announces-rootstech-2018.html

Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

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Unknown said...

Randy - so you know if these streams will be saved? I will not be able to watch one of them at the 1:30 time.

Randy Seaver said...

Sorry, I should have mentioned that, but it wasn't in the press release.

In years past, they archive them on the RootsTech.org site after several weeks and keep them online for several months. Hopefully that will be the case this year - I don't plan on going to any of those talks but will watch them when I get back and have some free time (hah!).

Celia Lewis said...

Don't forget to download the RootsTech App - this gives you access to all the handouts.. [ALL the handouts]. Particularly useful for those of us at home. A huge benefit. Easy to use, but a bit slow. Both iPhone and Android phone versions.