I want to start sharing other records about the lives of George (1845-1918) and Lida (1862-1941) Seaver. Today I will share (snipped) census records for George W. Seaver, only one of which includes Lida:
1) 1880 U.S. Census, Celilo, Wasco County, Oregon (ED 120, page 216):
Extracted information:
* George W. Seaver - white, male, age 33, single, laborer, born Wisconsin, father born New Hampshire, mother born Vermont.
2) 1900 U.S. Census, Vallejo, Solano County, California (ED 153, Page 26A):
The extracted information for the household is (230 Sacramento St., dwelling #555, family #556):
* George W. Seaver - head, white, male, born May 1849, age 41, married, married 2 years, born Mass., father born Un[known], mother born Un[known], a laborer, can read, write and speak English, rents a house.
* Lida Seaver - wife, white, female, born Sep 1862, age 37, married, married 2 years, 5 children born, 3 living, born Mass., father born N.H., mother born N.H., can read, write and speak English.
* Marion Crocker - step-daughter, white, female, born Dec 1889, age 10, single, born Cal., father born Maine, mother born Mass., at school, can read, write and speak English
* Robert Crocker - step-son, white, male, born Jan 1891, age 9, single, born Cal., father born Maine, mother born Mass., at school, can read, write and speak English
* Hazel Seaver - daughter, white, female, born Nov 1899, age 6/12, single, born Cal., father born Mass., mother born Mass.
3) 1910 U.S. Census - Malibu, Los Angeles County, California:
The extracted information is (Pacific Branch, U.S. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, ED 288, page 29A):
* George W. Seaver - Inmate, male, white, age 65, can speak English, no occupation, can read and write
4) 1910 U.S. Census - Malibu, Los Angeles County, California:
The extracted information is (residing at 25? N. ?th, dwelling #741, family #761, ED 289, page 22A):
* George W. Seaver - head, male, white, age 64, Wid[ower], born Wisconsin, father born New Hampshire, mother born Vermont, can speak English, an Expressman, in general business, on own account, can read and write, owns home free of mortgage.
* Victoria Pixley - housekeeper, female, white, age 56, 2nd marriage, married 5 years, 1 child born, 1 child living, born Illinois, father born New York, mother born New York, can speak English, a housekeeper, works for private family, can read and write.
5) That's all there is. No 1850, 1860, or 1870 United States Census records have been found to date.
His birth month is probably May, his birth year is between 1845 (1880 and 1910 census) and 1849 (from 1900 census). He was born in either Wisconsin (1880 and 1900) or Massachusetts (1900).
His father was born in either New Hampshire (1880 and 1910) or Massachusetts (1900); his mother was born in Vermont (1880 or 1910) or Massachusetts (1900).
In 1880, he was residing in a hotel or guest house in Wasco County, Oregon, and was single.
In 1900, he and Lida are residing in Vallejo, Solano County, California, with two of Lida's Crocker children, and their own child, Hazel Seaver, born in November 1899 in California.
There are two entries for 1910 - one where he's residing in the Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Home in Malibu, California, and the second where he's residing in a home (owned free of mortgage?) in Malibu, residing with a housekeeper.
6) I still do not know who the parents of George W. Seaver were, but there are some clues in the census records.
7) There are more interesting records for George, Lida with her other spouses, and their daughter Hazel. I will post those in future blog posts as we fill out the profile for George W. Seaver and his wife and child. Stay tuned!!
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2018/02/the-rest-of-george-w-seaver-story-part_8.html
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
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