Ancestry recently changed their Hinting system URLs again, and the URLs using the previous "formula" to find Hints in a specific database no longer work.
I occasionally go in and mine one specific database to add content and sources to my RootsMagic database. I'm sure not everyone knows that this can be done, so I am repeating it.
UPDATE: I updated this process on 12 June 2019 - see Changes to Mining Hints by Specific Record Collection - Updated!
1) The general form of the URL to see all of the existing Hints for a specific database in your Ancestry Member Tree is:
where "treenumb" is your Ancestry Member Tree number, and "dbas" is the Ancestry database number.See Tuesday's Tip - Search Hints by Record Collection for specific directions on how to find your Ancestry Member Tree number and the database number.
Using my Ancestry Member Tree number (treenumb=113002012) and the database number (dbas=60901) for the Social Security Claims and Applications database, the URL for my AncestryMember Tree Hints for that specific database is:
Note that that specific URL will not work for anyone but me because my Ancestry Member Tree is usable only by me. But once you know your own tree number, you can edit the URL to add your own tree number.
Here is the list for my Hints for this database in my Ancestry Member Tree now:
The number for "Records" in the left-hand column on the screen above is for ALL Records, not just for this one database. On the right-hand list, just above the first match, is an indicator that I am on page 1 of 54. So there are 54 pages of records for persons in my Ancestry Member Tree that are not resolved (Added, Ignored or Rejected). At 20 Hints per page, I have over 1,060 entries on this list.
2) To help readers use this process, here are some of the database numbers (the "dbid") that can be used:
* 1940 U.S. Census: dbid=2442
* 1930 U.S. Census: dbid=6224
* 1920 U.S. Census: dbid=6061
* 1910 U.S. Census: dbid=7884
* 1900 U.S. Census: dbid=7602
* 1880 U.S. Census: dbid=6742
* 1870 U.S. Census: dbid=7163
* 1860 U.S. Census: dbid=7667
* 1850 U.S. Census: dbid=8054
* Social Security Death Index: dbid=3693
* Social Security Claims and Applications Index, 1936-2007: dbid=60901
* California Birth Index, 1905-1995: dbid=5247
* California Marriage Index, 1960-1985: dbid=1144
* California Death Index, 1940-1997: dbid=5180
* Texas Birth Index, 1902-1997: dbid=8781
* Texas Death Certificates, 1903-1982: dbid=2272
* Pennsylvania Death Certificates, 1906-1963: dbid=5164
* Pennsylvania and New Jersey Church and Town Records, 1708-1985: dbid=2451
* Massachusetts Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988: dbid=2495
* U.S. Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935: dbid=2189
* U.S. Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current: dbid=60525
* U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989: dbid=2469
* U.S. School Yearbooks, 1880-2012: dbid=1265
* New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957: dbid=7488
* U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925: dbid=1174
* U.S. World War I, Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918: dbid=6482
* U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942: dbid=1002
* U.s. World War II Army Enlistments, 1938-1946: dbid =8939
* U.S. World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949: dbid=1143
* 1911 England Census: dbid=2352
* 1901 England Census: dbid=7814
* 1891 England Census: dbid=6598
* 1881 England Census: dbid=7572
* 1871 England Census: dbid=7619
* 1861 England Census: dbid=8767
* 1851 England Census: dbid=8860
* 1841 England Census: dbid=8978
* 1921 Canada Census: dbid=8991
* 1911 Canada Census: dbid=8947
* 1901 Canada Census: dbid=8826
* 1891 Canada Census: dbid=1274
* 1881 Canada Census: dbid=1577
* 1871 Canada Census: dbid=1578
* 1861 Canada Census: dbid=1570
* 1851 Canada Census: dbid=1061
What other databases do you want the " dbid" for? You can find them for yourself using the directions in Tuesday's Tip - Search Hints by Record Collection?
I looked through my Hints for the Social Security Claims and Applications database and found some Hints that had death dates for persons I did not have, and in several cases, a mother's maiden name that I did not have (including the first two on the list!).
3) I hope this helps readers mine the Ancestry databases effectively. I find it much easier to use this method than to search a lot of persons for a specific census year.
Of course, seems to never be finished with finding Hints for my Ancestry Member Tree persons. I have 49,944 persons in this tree now, and there are 61,796 Hints for them at the present time. They keep finding the Hints for a number of persons (about 3-10 each day) in the tree for me, and I'm hopelessly behind in using them. I need a trained Hint Butler to catch up!
Disclosure: I have a fully paid subscription at present. In the past, has provided travel reimbursement to me to attend meetings in Salt Lake City.
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
Randy, thanks again for your help on this wonderful tool on mining Ancestry’s databases. I find this approach to be an efficient way for this task. By limiting a session to a single database I can be better at pulling the information from a complicated set of records. For example, for a specific year’s census record, I adjust my thinking to the uniques questions in THAT set of records. All saved files I save to my computer are sim8larly named etc.
Again, thank you.
Something changed somewhere. This is the first article that I have been able to read from your web page in AGES. Remember, my system was saying there was something funny about the site and blocked me from it. Whatever the change, yours or mine, I'll take it. Good article btw.
Ancestry changed their URL system in early 2019. I updated this blog post in
I love this tip, I use it over and over. Today I can not find the "dbid" for U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-Current. Has something changed again? Thank you for your help.
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