Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Merge Problem in FamilySearch Family Tree Using RootsMagic 7.5.6

For the past three weeks (probably since the update to Version 7.5.6), I have been having a problem Merging profiles on FamilySearch Family Tree using RootsMagic family tree software.

Here is what I'm seeing - and I hope that RootsMagic and/or FamilySearch will fix it soon:

1)  From the RootsMagic FamilySearch Person Tools screen:

There is a duplicate profile for the father in the profile.

2)  I clicked on the gray icon for Ebenezer Buck (2WJ8-F5L) on the right-hand side of the screen, intending to Merge him with the profile for Ebenezer Buck (L844-2SP) because they are probably the same person.  The "What do you want to do..." screen appeared:

I picked the second option - "Match with RootsMagic (to Ebenezer Buck -28186).

3)  Because I have already matched my RootsMagic person to a profile on FamilySearch, I get the question "Merge the Records on FamilySearch?" (screen not shown).

I clicked "Merge Records" and saw the "FamilySearch Merge" screen:

For the past three weeks, this screen has shown only the "Source" information, and not the vital record, parents, spouse and children information.

It appears that the profile that I want to merge into the first profile has a lot more information in the Source column, and I don't want to lose that.  I don't know how complete the vital and family information is in the second profile is, so I'm not going to complete this merge.

I could "Unmatch" my RootsMagic profile from the current Family Tree matching profile and choose this second profile.  I have been doing that recently, looking at both profiles then picking the one that has the most information.

NOTE:  This problem also occurs on the "Find Matches" screen in RootsMagic.

4)  Are other users having this same problem?  

However, it would be great if RootsMagic wizards could check this problem out and fix it so users can perform FamilySearch Family Tree merges expeditiously and efficiently.

This is one of the most efficient processes of RootsMagic that works with FamilySearch Family Tree and I use it almost every day as I match my RootsMagic profiles with FamilySearch profiles.  It easily "cleans up" duplicate persons on Family Tree.

UPDATED 7 p.m.:  Renee Zamora of RootsMagic described this problem on 9 May on Facebook RootsMagic Users group as:

"The FamilySearch merge screen inside of RootsMagic is currently displaying only sources. FamilySearch is aware of this issue in the FT API and are working to resolve it. For now merging can be done on their website under the possible duplicate link."


Disclosure:  I have paid for every RootsMagic version since Version 3, and currently am using RootsMagic 7.5.6.  I have received no financial considerations from RootsMagic over the past 12 years.

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Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

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Interested Observer said...

FAmily Search broke their API and this problem was reported by Renee on the Facebook Group on9 May. It looks like they haven't fixed it yet.

Anonymous said...

I love it when I see a possible duplicate in FamilySearch via RootsMagic but always have gone into FamilySearch to fix the issue -- often when there is one duplicate, there are multiples....children of that family or then more duplicate parents show up.