This week's document for Amanuensis Monday is the 1812 deed of Zachariah Hildreth of Townsend, Massachusetts to Zachariah Hildreth Junior of Townsend in the Middlesex County, Massachusetts Land Records:
[Volume 203, pages 178-179]
[Volume 203, pages 180-181]
[Volume 203, page 179]
Know all Men by these presents that I Zachariah Hildreth of Towns-
end in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts gentle-
man in consideration of one thousand dollars paid by Zachariah Hildreth
Jun^r of the same Townsend aforesaid yeoman The receipt whereof I do hereby acknowl-
edge have remised released and forever quitclaimed and do for my self and my heirs
by these presents remise release and forever quitclaimed unto the said Zachariah Hil-
dreth Jun^r his heirs and assigns five certain pieces of land situate in Towns-
end aforesaid and bounded as follows, viz. the first piece is situate on the
south side of the road leading from Nathan Scales to the meeting house with
the dwelling house standing on the same premises, and bounded thus begin-
ning at a stake and stones at the south side of the road abovesaid a cor-
ner of Simeon Greens land, thence southerly by said Greens land ^about^ twenty rods
to a stake and stones, thence westerly by said Greens land about sixty two
rods to a stake and stones in said Greens line, thence northerly by said
Scales land twenty rods to a stake and stones by the road abovesaid, thence
easterly by said road to the bounds first mentioned. This piece of land con-
tains about eight acres, always reserving however all my right in and un-
to a certain ^well or^ spring in said land a little to the southeast of the brick house
on the premises which spring is now occupied as a well and a right to con-
tinue the aqueduct or a way for the water to run from the said spring or
well to the road, which is two thirds of the well and aquaduct, and a
privilege to pass and repass to and from said spring or well by the corner
of said brickhouse and yo dig &c for repairing said aquaduct in propor-
to my right in the same. The second piece of land is situate on
the north side of said road and contains about twelve acres be the same
more or less and bounded thus beginning at a stake and stones ^by^ the north
side of said road a corner of said Simeon's land, thence northerly by said
Simeons and others land about one hundred and twenty one rods to a stake
and stones by the road leading from Eben^r Balls to the meeting house
thence westerly by said road twenty four rods to a stake and stones, thence
southerly by a straight line by my own land about one hundred and seventeen
rods to a stake and stones by the first mentioned road, thence easterly by
said road ten rods to the bounds first mentioned. The third peice is
a peice of mowing situated and surrounded by my farm, and contains
about four acres and one fourth of an acre and bounded thus beginning
at a corner of a stone wall at the northeast corner of the garden so called
[Volume 203, page 180]
thence westerly a straight line by said garden wall about twenty three rods
to a stake and stones at another wall, thence north about eighteen degrees
east by the wall twenty four rods and nineteen ^links^ thence north about six-
ty two degrees east by the wall nine rods and seven links, thence
south about twenty eight degrees east by the wall fourteen rods and fif-
teen links to a corner, thence southerly a straight line thirty one rods
and eight links to the bounds first mentioned. I also hereby give liberty
to the said Zachariah Jun^r or any other person for or under him to pass
and repass with a team or otherwise to and from this peice of land thro'
my pasture the most convenient way and doing the least damage.
The fourth peice of land is situate on the plain near the foot of
baberry hill so called and on the south side of the road and contains a-
bout sixteen acres and bounded thus beginning at a stake and
stones by the south side of the old road and the east side of the road
leading from Nath^l Batchelders to the meeting house, thence southerly by
the last mentioned road to a stake and stones in Lemuel Petts line,
thence easterly by said Petts land to a stake and stones, thence northerly
by said Petts land to a stake and stones at Simeon Greens land, thence
westerly by said Greens land to a stake and stones by the road, thence wester-
ly by the south side of said road to the bounds first mentioned.
The fift peice is a peice of woodland and contains thirteen acres
and one third of an acre and bounded thus beginning at a stake
and stones in the line of land formerly owned by Jonas Farmer deceas-
ed, thence westerly by John Farmers land thirty three rods and eight
links to a stake and stones, thence north about twenty nine degrees east
by my own land sixty four rods to a stake and stones, thence easterly by
land of Nathan Scales thirty three rods and eight links to a stake and stones
thence southerly by said Jonas deceased land sixty four rods to the bound first
mentioned. To have and to hold the aforementioned premises with all
the priviledges and appertenances thereunto belonging to me the said
Zachariah Hildreth nor my heirs nor any other person or persons,
claiming from or under one or them or in the name right or stead of
me or them, shall or will by any way or means have claim or demand any
right or title to the abovesaid premises or their appurtenances or to any part
or parcel thereof forever, excepting what is heretofore excepted and reserv-
ed. In witness whereof I the said Zachariah Hildreth with Nabby my
wife she releasing her right of dower or thirds have hereunto set our hands
and seals this twenty forth day of April in the year of our Lord eight-
een hundred and twelve. Zachariah Hildreth and seal. Nabby Hildreth
and seal. Signed sealed and delivered in presents of us Daniel Adams
[Volume 203, page 181]
Benamuel Pratt Middlesex Ss April 24^th 1812. Then the abovenamed
Zachariah Hildreth acknowledged the above instrument to be his free
act and deed before me Josiah Richardson Just. of the Peace.
Middlesex Ss Cambridge 19^th January 1813
Received and Entered
by Samuel Bartlett Regr.
The source citation for this recorded deed is:
"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 September 2018), Middlesex County, "Deeds, 1813-1814, Vols. 203-205," Volume 203, pages 179-181 (images 94-95 of 834), Deed of Zachariah Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth Jr., executed 24 April 1812, recorded 19 January 1813.
Zachariah Hildreth Junior (1783-1857) was the son of Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1829) and his first wife, Elizabeth Keyes (1759-1793). This is the fourth land transaction for Zachariah Junior in the Middlesex County Deed index for 1800 to 1835.The land sold is 5 parcels of land in Townsend, Massachusetts that were part of Zachariah Hildreth's holdings, totaling over 53 acres.
Zachariah Hildreth Senior did not have a will or administration of his estate. He likely gave or sold all of his land to his children piecemeal, perhaps to support himself and his second wife and their minor children. At the time of this sale in 1812, Zachariah Senior is age 58, and has had nine children by his first wife (six living) before 1793 and eight more (five living) by his second wife after 1794.
I need to find a book about historical Townsend and see if I can figure out exactly where the land is located.
Zachariah Hildreth Sr. (1754-1829) is my 4th great-grandfather, and Zachariah Hildreth Jr. (1783-1857) is my third great-grandfather, who married Hannah Sawtell (1789-1857) in 1810. I am descended through their son, Edward Hildreth (1831-1899) who married Sophia Newton (1834-1923).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
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