Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Treasure Chest Tuesday -- 1899 Death Notice for Frederick Schaffner in San Francisco, California

The treasure today is the 1899 death notice for Frederick Schaffner in the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper dated 1 July 1899:

The transcription of this death notice is:

"SCHAFFNER -- In this city, June 29. Frederick, beloved husband of Dorothea Schaffner and father of Herman, Frederick and Charles Edwin Schaffner, Mrs. Matilda Bradford and Mrs. Nellie Arter, a native of Germany, aged 71 years and 13 days.

"Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Sunday), at 12:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 423 Lombard street, thence to Franklin Hall, Fillmore street, between Bush and Sutter, where services will be held under the auspices of King Solomon Lodge, No. 260, F. and A.M., commencing at 1:30 o'clock.  Please omit flowers."

The source citation for this death notice is:

"San Francisco Chronicle," online database, SFGenealogy (www.SFGenealogy.com), 1 July 1899, page 10, column 4, Frederick Schaffner Death Notice; citing original documents at San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, Calif.

Frederick Schaffner was born 16 June 1828 in Germany if the age at death is correct in the death notice.  He married (1) Martha Matilda (--?--) Schaffner (1837-1875) in about 1850 (first child born in late 1851), probably in New York City.  They had at least six children between 1851 and 1870.  He married (2) Dorothea --?-- (1838-1904) before 1880.  The Frederick Schaffner family resided in San Francisco and Oakland, California from about 1857 until their deaths.

Frederick and Martha Matilda (--?--) Schaffner are my wife's 2nd great-grandparents, through their son Herman Schaffner (1851-1921) who married Mary Ann Paul (1854-1908) in about 1875 and resided in San Francisco.


The URL for this post is:  https://www.geneamusings.com/2018/11/treasure-chest-tuesday-1899-death.html

Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

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