The treasure today is the 1810 U.S. Census record for Nathan Gates household in Gardner, Massachusetts:
The Nathan Gates household is near the top of the page image:
The extracted information from this record is:
* Head of household: Nathan Gates
* Males under age 10: 3 (probably sons Amos, Jeremiah and James)
* Males aged 10 to 15: 1 (probably son Abel or Asaph)
* Males aged 26 to 44: 1 (certainly Nathan)
* Females under age 10: 3 (probably daughters Susannah, Clarissa, and Lucinda)
* Females aged 10 to 15: 1 (probably daughter Abigail)
* Females aged 26 to 44: 1 (certainly wife Abigail (Knowlton) Gates)
The source citation for this record is:
1810 United States Federal Census, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Gardner: Page 961, Nathan Gates household; indexed database with digital image, ( : accessed 29 October 2011) citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M292, Roll 22.
Nathan Gates (1767-1830) was the son of Simon and Susanna (Reed) Gates of Gardner. He married Abigail Knowlton (1774-1855) on 17 June 1790 in Westminster, Mass. They had 15 children between 1791 and 1813, but three died before 1810. I am descended from their daughter, Abigail Gates (1797-1867), who married Benjamin Seaver (1791-1825).
Nathan and Abigail (Knowlton) Gates are my 4th great-grandparents.
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Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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