Sunday, February 16, 2020

FamilySearch Family Tree "My Contributions" Feature

I noted that FamilySearch added a new feature to the Family Tree mobile app last week - see Track Your Contributions to the Family Tree with New Feature.

My 5-year old iPhone 5s smart phone had an earlier iOS version that could not access this feature.  It also  had battery life problems, and was full, and was relatively small.  So yesterday, I bought a new iPhone 8 and now I can get "My Contributions" on the Family Tree mobile app.  This is just in time for RootsTech so now I'm good to take hundreds of photos without worrying about battery life.

1)  On the Family Tree mobile app screen, there is a "More" button at the bottom right corner:  Tapping on that shows me the features I can access:

From the "More" button, I can "Search historical records," "Find a person," find "Relatives Around Me," "see "My Contributions," do "Family History Activities," and see my "Messages."

2)  I tapped on "My Contributions" and saw the "Stats" screen:

Since 2012, I have made 7,233 contributions to the FamilySearch Family Tree.  That includes all "Sources," "Memories," and "Persons."

Here is my "Persons" Created count:

My "Memories" Attached count:

And my "Sources" Attached count:

3)  On the "My Contributions" screen, if I tap on the "Changes" button I can see the last 300 changes I have made to the Family Tree:

I can tap on any one of those persons and see their current information in the Family Tree.

4)  The "My Contributions" screen also has a "Private Persons" screen, which I won't show as an example.

5)  It's also pretty embarrassing to me - I have added only 136 Memories and 1,973 Sources to the Family Tree profiles.  Over time, I have concentrated on adding sources to my ancestors and not to the siblings of my ancestors.  Many profiles already have sources attached to them so I try to add what is not already there, but I have not been prolific in adding sources of the folks who are not my ancestors.

This is very useful to me as a numbers guy.  I can use this as a benchmark going forward.

6)  I am happy that FamilySearch has added this feature to the Family Tree mobile app - the article noted above indicates that this feature will be added to the website FamilySearch Family Tree features in the future.


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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

Lauri said...

While my overall numbers are much higher than yours, I find it very strange that we both have created over 5,000 persons. For myself, this number just seems so very high.