Sunday, August 30, 2020

FREE Orange County California Genealogical Society (OCCGS) Program on 5 September

The Orange County, California Genealogical Society is hosting a FREE webinar on Saturday, 5 September featuring two presentations by Randy Seaver (of Genea-Musings).

*  10:00 am PDT: “Using FamilySearch Digital Microfilm to Find Genealogical Records”

*  11:20 am PDT: “Probate Records: My Favorite Record Type!”


Orange County California Genealogical Society is able to offer this program for free thanks to the generous support of our members and donors. Please consider making a donation or joining OCCGS at so that we can continue doing so. Thank you!


1)  “Using FamilySearch Digital Microfilm to Find Genealogical Records”

FamilySearch has almost 3,000 historical record collections, and many of them are not indexed and cannot be searched using search fields. They are digitized from Family History Library (“FHL”) microfilms. Think of them as “digital microfilm” — you have to browse these records. There are finding aids to help the researcher find records for their ancestors … waypoints, volumes, volume indexes, etc. This presentation will demonstrate how to find records for your ancestors in probate, land, town, tax, and other unindexed records.

2)  “Probate Records: My Favorite Record Type!”

Probate records are my absolute favorite record type for identifying and proving family relationships. This presentation describes the overall probate process, the different kinds of probate records, and how to find and obtain probate records in repositories and online record collections.


Genealogist Randy Seaver is a native San Diegan, a graduate of San Diego State University, a retired aerospace engineer, and a family guy. Randy has pursued his ancestry and family history since 1988, and is blessed with a fine New England and Atlantic States ancestry (mainly English, German and a little bit of French and Dutch heritage). He is a member of Chula Vista Genealogical Society, San Diego Genealogical Society, American Ancestors and New England Historic Genealogical SocietySociety.

Randy has given more than 200 genealogy presentations to genealogical societies all over Southern California during the last 27 years. Randy has written the well-known Genea-Musings blog ( since 2006 after he retired from Rohr/Goodrich in Chula Vista, as well as The Geneaholic ( online journal since 2007.


NOTE:  Needless to say, I am looking forward to this program.  This is a free Zoom webinar, but you must register to get the join link.  Thank you to OCCGS for the opportunity.

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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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