Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Genealogy Education Bytes - Week of 25 April to 1 May 2024

 Welcome to Genealogy Education Bytes, posted on Wednesday afternoon for the past week, where we try to highlight the most important genealogy and family history education items that came across our desktop since the last issue.

1) Upcoming Conferences, Institutes and Seminars

Conference Keeper Calendar

2 ) Upcoming Seminars, Webinars and Online Classes (times are US Pacific):

Conference Keeper Calendar - has many links to register for and/or view webinars and classes.

 FamilySearch Library Classes and Webinars 

*  Family Tree Webinars - Friday, 3 May, 11 a.m.:  Researching in Kent by Helen V. Smith.

*  Family Tree Webinars - Wednesday, 8 May, 5 p.m.:  Finding the records for “impossible” genealogy – lessons learned from a Chinese genealogist by Linda Yip  
3) Recent Podcasts/Radio Shows:

4) Recent YouTube Videos:

*  Aimee Cross - Genealogy Hints:  New Family History Podcast You Don't Want to Miss
*  Aimee Cross - Genealogy Hints:  Ancestry Upcoming New DNA Tools

*  Allen County Public Library:  Growing Little Leaves Genealogy for Children
*  Allen County Public Library:  Researching Immigration via Steamship
*  Allen County Public Library:  DNA Relationships Explained Known Relationships

*  Applied Genealogy Institue:  Applied Genealogy Institute Fall 2024 Course Line Up

*  National Genealogical Society:  Behind the Scenes with Ancestry Story Producers

*  The Formidable Genealogist:  Finding Name Variations | Formidable Genealogy

*  Virtual Genealogical Association:  "What is a One Place Study?" by Denise Cross

5) Did you miss the last post in this series - Genealogy Education Bytes -  18 to 24 April 2024?


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