Sunday, December 3, 2006

Lucky 13th Carnival of Genealogy is posted

Lee Anders has posted the "13th Carnival of Genealogy" at her "A Matter of Life and Death" blog web site at

Only five intrepid genea-bloggers admitted that they had ever made a mistake in their research. Kudos to those that did, since we can all learn something from each of the posts. As I said, "pobody's nerfect" and ain't it the truth? Some, like Chris, are awfully lucky, though.

Tune in next time to Jasia’s blog where the topic will be Genealogy Gift Giving:

We’re making a list and checking it twice. Have you been naughty or nice? Tis the season of gift giving and this next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy will be all about genealogy gifts. What is the best genealogy-related gift you’ve ever received? What genealogy gifts are on your holiday wish list this year? What’s your favorite place to shop for genealogy gifts? Maybe you’d really like a digital camera to capture cemetery tombstones. Or maybe Santa brought you software years ago that got you started with your genealogy addiction. Maybe your heart’s desire is for an old photograph of one of your ancestors. If you’ve been a hobbyist for any time at all you’ve wanted or received something to further your genealogy habit. Let’s hear about genealogy gifts! Blog about your favorites and submit them to the next Carnival of Genealogy.

The deadline for the 14th Carnival is 15 December 2006 at Please write about your genealogy-related Christmas gift and submit it to the carnival.



Lee said...

Thank you for this and for your BC entry, Randy! I think your post and those of the other bloggers serve to show that none of us are unique. We all make mistakes in our research, but we keep plugging along, doing the best we can. I am so proud of the people who put their egos aside and shared their stories. Thank you again!

~ Lee

Anonymous said...

xZ2oRx The best blog you have!