The current Carnival of Genealogy topic is - Wish Lists! Christmas and Hanukkah are just around the corner and these are the seasons of gift giving and receiving. What are you wishing for this Christmas? The Genea-Santa wants to know! Do you have any suggestions for the folks who have to buy a gift "for the genealogist who has everything"?
I posted my 2006 wish list here - and did get some of those wishes answered - just not the ones that would advance my research! I guess I was a "naughty genealogist" or something (I did have a lot of risque census whacker posts last year, was it that?). Anyway, this is a different year, so maybe Santa will be kinder.
My genealogy wish list for Christmas (in addition to what I asked for and didn't get last year):
1) A genealogy software program called, say, "Genealogy Seance" that will contact the spirits of my ancestors wherever they may be. I'd like to ask many of my ancestors a lot of questions, and be able to follow up with more questions. I hope someone will take my wish and run with it - think of the profits!
2) Travel and cruise tickets for the Legacy Cruise in July 2008 to the Baltic Sea. My wife is ready to go ... we can spend some time in England before and after.
3) Another good deal at for a World Deluxe subscription to Ancestry.
4) Travel and registration fees for one of the major genealogy conferences - Philadelphia in September would be great!
5) Another healthy and happy grandchild to make new family history with. And more time with all of my grandchildren to make more family history with.
6) A safe return from Iraq for my Marine son-in-law so that he can continue to make wonderful family history with his wife and sons.
That's enough for now. Does somebody want Linda's email address (hint hint)?
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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