Thursday, December 27, 2007

Arlene H. Eakle is featured speaker at SDGS Seminar/Luncheon on 12 January

The San Diego Genealogical Society has an all-day seminar and luncheon planned for Saturday, January 12th. The featured speaker is internationally known genealogist and author, Arlene H. Eakle, Ph.D. If you haven't already mailed in your reservation, be sure to do so now as they need to be received no later than January 8th to ensure your place at this exciting event.

A prolific writer with more than 90 titles, Arlene edited the award winning The Source: Guidebook for American Genealogy, a seminal book for genealogical research. A professional genealogists since 1962, she is president and founder of The Genealogical Institute and a founder of the Association of Professional Genealogists. She is a popular and well-known presenter at national conferences. Visit her web site to find out more:

Her topics for this memorable event will be of interest to researchers at all levels:

* Appalachian Triangle
* How to Find Birth, Marriage, Death Records Before 1900
* Evaluating Genealogical Evidence
* Dusting Off the Family Skeletons

She will also be selling many book titles and other publications at discount prices to seminar attendees.

Many door prizes will be offered including a Salt Lake City hotel package.

The meeting will be at the Handlery Hotel and Resort, 950 Hotel Circle North, Mission Valley, San Diego, CA. Registration will begin at 8:30.

The fee, including the gourmet sit down lunch, is $35.00 per person. The lunch includes salad, entree, dessert, roll & beverage. The Entree choice is
Roast Pork Loin, Chicken Piccata or Special Diet (please specify) Reservations must be received by January 8th. No refunds after January 9th.

Mail your name, address, check (payable to SDGS), and menu choice to Gloria Osborn, 1997 Alameda Terrace, San Diego, CA 92103. For more information, e-mail Gloria at

Hey San Diego genealogists - I have reserved my place at this seminar - have you? This is a great opportunity to hear presentations by one of the best genealogy researchers of our time.

1 comment:

Lori Thornton said...

An Appalachian Triangle, huh? So that's why we get all our ancestors back to the hill country of the Carolinas where they dead end, I guess! At least I now know and can just say that they were swallowed by the Appalachian Triangle!