Monday, December 24, 2007

Best of the Genea-Blogs - December 16-22, 2007

I'm only one day late with this - sorry - I've been sick, the house is really busy, and everybody is shopping...

Here are my picks for great reads from the genealogy blogs for this past week. My criteria are pretty simple - I like posts that advance knowledge about genealogy, or are funny and/or poignant. I don't list posts destined for the Carnival of Genealogy, or my own posts (hopefully, others will do that!).

* I hope that everyone has been reading the Christmas Advent memories at Thomas MacEntee's blog, Destination:Austin Family. This link is to his summary post - click an ornament and see the posts for that day. Thomas has done a great job of organizing and presenting the posts of an umber of bloggers - Thanks, Thomas!

* "First Whack at Family Tree" by Dan Lawyer at the FamilySearch Labs Blog. This post shows screens from the new Family Tree application for New FamilySearch. This blog has also had several interesting posts this week about Record Search and Standard Finder.

* "News for 19 December 2007" on The Ancestry Insider blog. This post is chock full of information about Ancestry and FamilySearch.

* "Ancestry Hints - New and Improved" by Kenny Freestone on the Blog. This is a good summary of how Ancestry is working to provide clues to researchers who have their trees online.

* "What is Genealogy and Why Should I Do It?" by Summer Owens on the Genealogy, Family History and Temple Work blog. Summer provides some nice answers to the age-old question. This is an interesting blog.

* "How Does the Genealogy Community View Design" and "More Design in the Genealogy Community" by Mark Tucker on the Think Genealogy blog. Mark has some intriguing thoughts about how to make genealogy databases work better.

* "My Favorite Articles at Hill Country for 2007" by Terry Thornton on the Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi blog. Terry lists his favorites from his year of writing on his blog - it's hard to decide which is best, since they are all excellent!

* "GeneaBlogging Elves Run Amok" by Janice Brown on the Cow Hampshire blog. Want a good laugh? View these videos from JibJab that Janice made with genealogy blogger faces. I love it! Made my day when I saw myself dancing with Miriam, Apple, Jasia and Craig. I wish I could dance half that well.

That's it - a short post for me. The second family has arrived and Christmas Eve is nigh.

1 comment:

Janice said...


Thank you for the link. Hope you had a good laugh! Happy New Year.
