Jasia has posted the 40th Carnival of Genealogy at http://creativegene.blogspot.com/2008/01/carnival-of-genealogy-40th-edition.html . The topic this time was "Living Relative Connections." There are 22 posts on this list - all of them interesting and potentially helpful reading.
The next Carnival topic will be -- If you could have dinner with four of your ancestors who would they be and why? Here's a chance to exercise your imagination... Would you have dinner in the present day or in one of their eras? Would you dine out or opt for a home cooked meal? What would you discuss at the dinner table? What would you most like to share with them about your life? The deadline for submitting articles is February 1st.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Written on 18 January from my daughter's in Santa Cruz:
Unfortunately, I am using Mac PowerBook with Safari at my daughter's house and can't figure out how to insert a link (Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V doesn't work for some reason...), there is no Backspace, End or Home key that I can find, and Blogger on this Mac wants everything in HTML and the spell check doesn't work.
Go to Jasia's blog and you'll find it.
The next Carnival topic is "What Four People Would You Like to Have Dinner With?" This should be interesting! Ancestors, I presume.
I will update this post when I get home from Santa Cruz.
I am getting only an hour or two a day on the computer. Email, Bloglines and Blogger is about all I get in the time I have. The grandsons are a handful. My daughter took her nanny out to dinner for a movie last night, so I got to dinner, play, bath and bedtime with the boys. I was done by 9:15, which is record time - they were tired. Me too, but I did get to see Celebrity Apprentice and ER. I'm sleeping on the hide-a-bed in the living room, and Mira the wonder cat lay with me all night. The boys gleefully woke me up at 6:30 and we watched Disney Channel and had breakfast (one eats Grandpa's cereal - Rice Krispies - and the other Daddy's cereal - Honeycomb, I eat Honeycomb) until 8:15 when we took them to school.
My daughter and I stopped at a Java place for hot drinks - I got hot choc with whipped cream today. It was 35 F when we took our walk through the State Park today with Annie the super dog. Bracing. Beautiful. I didn't have a hat or gloves...dumb. I get to go swimming with my grandsons this afternoon - more family history to be made. Tomorrow we are going on the Roaring Camp steam engine train - it's great fun, although the coach has no windows - it's open to the air. Sunday is the Chargers game (did everyone notice the blog colors???) Monday I fly home and hope to blog in the evening.
Written Monday 21 January at 8:30 PM: I updated this post extensively - I hope you all don't mind! I was very frustrated by the Mac PowerBook while using blogger - I couldn't use the "Compose" mode - only "Edit HTML." I couldn't easily insert a link, or bold, or spell check, so my posting was limited by not only my Mac-challenged brain but by the system. Thank you to the commenters who gave me helpful hints - you were right - I just hadn't found the little letters on the small keys yet!
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Oh so that's why the colors changed! Duh! I thought maybe you had stumbled upon a hitherto unknown Swedish branch of your family and were paying them due homage.
Copy and Paste on a Mac uses Apple-c and Apple-v (The Apple-keys are the keys to the left and the right of the space bar with a picture of an apple on it. Both keys work the same.)
Most software on the Mac uses the Apple-key where the Ctrl-key is used on a PC.
I'd also try using the apple-arrow keys for 'home', 'end', 'pg-up' and 'pg-down'. My iMac arrow keys are labeled thusly. The PowerBook keyboard might not have the labels, but the keys probably work the same. (Assuming the PowerBook has arrow keys.) The left-arrow key alone works well as a backspace.
I can't help you with the blogger-html problem. At first I thought that might be a Safari issue since I use Firefox, but I just tried Safari, and it gave me the Compose option.
There's nothing like having conversation time with toddlers to put all of life into context. I hope your trip back home is uneventful and that the memory of your visit with the grandchildren brings you smiles for the rest of the week - and that you catch up on any needed rest!
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