Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Letters from Home - Post 8

This is the seventh letter in the stack of Letters from Home to Austin and Della (Smith) Carringer, residing in the San Diego, California area after 1887. An explanation of the family members and situation is here.

Letter from Josephine Vaux to cousin Della (Smith) Carringer. Envelope addressed to Mrs. H.A. Carringer, Box 513, National City, San Diego Co, Cal., postmarked on back National City Cal Mar 2 1890.

Colorado Springs, Feb 23rd /90
Cousin Dell,

We received your photos the night before I left for Neb. hadn't time to even write an acknowledgement. I think the pictures are very natural indeed and the baby is good I know. It must make quite an addition to your work also the pleasure to have a baby in your house. How nice they are and how proud we feel of our first-born. The next and next seem to be first as nice, there never being any to spare.

My visit to Neb. was not for pleasure entirely although I had a very pleasant time wherever I went.

I have been sick most of the time since last May. I had a severe sickness with nervous prostration last spring not being able to do anything until this winter. Soon as I was able to travel Nellie, Sadie & I went to Salt Lake City for the change of altitude. I gained but returned too soon and had a run of fever after reaching home. I failed until I went to Neb. and stayed four weeks. I gained there wonderfully and have kept going since.

Geo went to Neb. with me and bought 21 fine livery horses all young and raised like pets. They seem to be inclined to be a little afraid of city life, but do not act as if they would run away. Nellie & I ride every pleasant day. My brother-in-law has been here all winter & he drives for us.

Glad to hear your mother is going so well. We saw all the folks in McCook all seemed happy as clams in high water. I stayed all night with Mati - I made C sleep on the lounge, ha ha. Your father talks of coming there soon as Dave can sell to take him and family with him. Geo. bought his horses at Bellville but I didn't go as I intended because Geo must ride all night & I could not do that. I remained at Aurora Neb. visiting old friends returned via B&M RR. Stayed another week in McCook. Your mother won't take care of Mati's grandchildren just yet awhile I know for the coast is clear there yet.

Nellie worked in an uptown express office all last year at $50.00 per mo as cashier and will go back May 1st and take the same position. She is now taking short hand & type writing also singing lessons, she is right busy. Every body had La Grippe but are all over now & nothing heard of it any more. Glad you like Cal. so well & it has done you all so much good. We haven't had but very little snow this winter. I wrote to Mati today. Nellie is playing on her piano & I can hardly keep my feet still to write. I keep a hired girl now right along.

Tell cousin Abby we would be glad to hear from her. Tom & Sadie are doing well in school. Tom is in the 7th grade Sadie the 4th. Weather is beautiful now. Geo sold half interest last Sept. to an Ohio man (nice man).

Love to all, write soon.


Joe is Josephine (Searl) Vaux, wife of George P. Vaux and mother to Tom, Sadie and Nellie Vaux; this family resided in Colorado Springs. George Vaux is a first cousin once removed to Della (Smith) Carringer.

Della and Austin apparently sent pictures of their baby, Devier David Carringer, to this Vaux family.

These people sure get around - Salt Lake City, Belleville KS, Aurora NE, McCook NE and who knows where else.

I'm wondering who "C" is that she made "sleep on the lounge." I think it was probably George Chenery, Matie (Della's sister) first husband. He may have children, since she mention's Matie's grandchildren - but there may be some "social problem" with the family. Wouldn't it be great to be a "fly on the wall" in the houses of these folks? Not in the voyeurism sense, but for the clarity of relationships and personalities, etc. Well, maybe the voyeurism too!

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