Friday, March 21, 2008

Carringer Family Letters, 1890 to 1900 - Post 2

I have a series of family letters from the parents, brother and aunt of Henry Austin Carringer residing in National City and San Diego in the 1890 to 1900 time frame. Austin's parents and brother resided in Boulder, Colorado during this period of time and there is news of towns people and events in these letters.

The second letter is from Austin's aunt, Helen Brown, in Pennsylvania.

Letter from Helen Brown of Conneautville, PA to Austin and Della Carringer in National City, California. No envelope.

Conneautville, Pa
October 2, 1890

My Dear Auston and Della. I often wonderd why you did not write to me the particulars consirning your Darlings Death and today my letter came back to me had not been calfor and it went to the Dead letter office. I will sende it in this letter and see if you get it. I recived the photo and I think him a butifull child. I no it was harde to Part with him, but you have a Bright future before you for you can go to him and thare will be no tears and no parting forever. O woant that be joyfull to meete to part no more.

Callie has a butifull Boy he can talk everything, and is admired by everyone he is such a good child.

Eugenes has got a Smart Boy for his age they have to children.

I was to your cousin Milow Carringer and they have have Seven children and they are all nice children to and good looking. Milow is getting a long nicely.

Do you like it out thare as well as you did when I was in Boulder. The Apples is afalier here this year. I hope that this will find you both well and hope to here from you Soon. We all send love to you Both.

Your Aunt Hellen Brown.


Poor Helen got the first letter back, but they must have received both of them in the mail because we have them now. She still can't spell! I think the line in the last paragraph means "The apples are a failure here this year." What happened in 1890 for this to happen in Pennsylvania?

Helen looks to be one of those aunts who travels to see her nephews and nieces - she's been to several already (Callie, Eugene and Milo), and was apparently out to Boulder in years past. This family travelled quite a bit, it seems, probably mostly by railroad train.

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