I will be away from home until Sunday afternoon 3/23 - I'm going to Santa Cruz to help my daughter with her two little guys. I look forward to making more family history!
I don't anticipate a lot of computer time, since a 4 year-old and a two-year old are a full time job for two of us, it seems. I should be able to read my email and my favorite 250 blogs on Bloglines every day (God willing). I have prepared several blog posts and will try to post them each evening after bedtime so that there is some Genea-Musings activity. I hope you like elusive women and family letters!
I am taking my laptop just in case I can find time in a library or other wi-fi hot spot (hmmm, the chai and coffee shop has it!), or just for amusement in a dull moment (that may never happen there!).
I anticipate some big, tremendous announcement that shakes the genealogy world to its foundations - these types of announcements always seem to happen when I'm away from home and cannot instantly analyze or respond to them. I look forward to the genealogy news of the week!!
I encourage my readers to read the posts on my Best of the Genea-blogs posts for the past few weeks, or find someone you haven't read on my blogroll in the right-hand sidebar (I know, I haven't added any for several months - it's on my to-do list - if only I could find it!). Or you could read my daily ramblings about my genealogy exploits on the Geneaholic blog, or the jokes and stories on my Randy's Busy Life blog that I'm too busy to write on. There - I've shamelessly plugged them...
Oh, I changed my colors again (did you notice?) since St. Patrick's Day is over - this is a record for the shortest time I've had a set of blog colors. Someday I'll get brave and convert the blog to the New Blogger style and be able to put fancy photos and graphics in the masthead and on the sidebar.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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