Friday, April 18, 2008

SDGS Trip to LA Public Library on 4/26

I've been remiss in publicizing the San Diego Genealogical Society bus trip to Los Angeles Public Library on Saturday, 26 April.

The SDGS chartered bus will depart from the Veterans Administration Building (Mission Valley, 8810 Rio San Diego Dr.) at 7:30 a.m. sharp! It will stop in North SD County at the Carlsbad Public Library at 8:00 a.m. The group will arrive at the Los Angeles Public Library by 10 a.m.

The bus will leaver the LA Library at 4:30 p.m. and arrive back at Carlsbad at 6:30 p.m. and San Diego at 7 p.m.

The trip fare is $35.00 for SDGS members and $40.00 for non-members. Reservations must be received by April 19th. No refunds will be given after April 23rd.

Complete the registration form and mail a check payable to SDGS to Phyllis Quarg, SDGS, 11949 Riverside Dr., #15, Lakeside CA 92040-2319. for questions, contact Phyllis at 619-443-5718 or phylbq AT

If you really want to go, give Phyllis a call or an email and see if there is still space.

I want to go every year and haven't yet - my daughter is having a baby that weekend!

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