Saturday, September 13, 2008

Passed away "...due to complications resulting from her children making her old before her time"

An "interesting" obituary was printed recently in the Akron (OH) Beacon-Journal newspaper for Ruth E. (Secrist) Rencevicz - you can read it on here.

If everything they say about her is true, she had a really interesting life. She was a full-time mom, a switchboard operator, a CIA cold-war spy, a neighborhood volunteer trying to help young people, stalked Peter Jennings, and was abducted by aliens. Oh, she had a child conceived when the circus was in town, too.

I wonder how much of this obituary she wrote herself? If she didn't write it, then it sounds like her children wrote all of the stories down just for this occasion. The last paragraph:

"Ruth was adamant that people use the occasion of her passing to remember and celebrate her life. In lieu of formal funeral proceedings or viewing hours, she requested that those who remember and cared about her share both a special memory and a drink in her honor. Preferably Bud Light Lime, or if that's not available, gasoline or floor wax."

Thank goodness I don't have any gasoline or floor wax handy, or Bud Lite for that matter. But I will raise my water bottle here in the Genea-Cave and say:

"Here's to Ruth, who I didn't know but I wish I had! May the memory of your life, and your sense of humor, remain with your progeny through many generations."

Click on the Guest Book page here, and read some of the 31 pages of comments about Ruth. We should all be so lucky to touch so many people in a positive way.

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