Friday, September 18, 2009

Internet Deprived in Santa Cruz

I am in beautiful downtown Felton CA in an Internet/computer business place paying $6 an hour for connection time... so this will be short (I am such a miser sometimes!). FYI, my daughter's home Internet DSL has not connected for two days and I am suffering serious email, blog, Facebook and other withdrawal symptoms.

When not busy being a chauffeur, cook, bather, shopper, Grandpa monster and other fun personae with my grandsons, I read mystery books. I am having a lot of fun with Lucas (age 6) and Logan (age 3) - they are very cute and very smart and are minding their grandpa very well - I bribe them, though (don't tell my daughter, please).

I will be home on Monday, so blog posts will be pretty sparse until then (unless the DSL comes back on, of course!).

Now I need to think up a SNGF for all of you...

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