Craig's "About Geneablogie" page says:
"GeneaBlogie consists of genealogy news, tips, stories, some tech stuff, reviews of genealogical media of all sorts, and of course, my personal observations on my research. We have an informal motto here: 'Learn, Share, Enjoy, Appreciate.' I hope you’ll be able to do a bit of each as you read this blog."About me, Craig Manson: I’m a professor of law and public policy at a California law school. Over the last forty years, I’ve been a Top Forty DJ at a couple of radio stations, both AM & FM; a broadcast journalist; a cable television sportscaster; a radio sportscaster; a newspaper stringer; a lobbyist in a state legislature; a military officer, a college professor, a lawyer, a judge, and have served at the highest levels of both state and federal government. And then there was the time I got picked off first base for the third out in the ninth inning of the only professional baseball game I’d ever played in . . . ."
Check out Craig's posts in The Best of Geneablogie.Craig's genealogy blogging about legal issues is valuable (even priceless) for the rest of us, and his ongoing research articles about his ancestral families are excellent tutorials about genealogy research and persistence.
Thank you, Randy, for spotlighting Craig and his work. He is both a gentleman and a scholar and a very nice guy!
Best wishes
Thanks very much for the notice! I was still getting caught up on Friday from the medical stuff and missed it when it first appeared.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the recommendation. It looks like a really interesting and useful set of blogs!
Bill ;-)
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