After reading how poorly I performed on my 2009 goals and objectives (see Grading my Progress on 2009 Goals and Objectives), I've decided to be a bit more vague in my goals and objectives for 2010.
Here are my GOALS for 2010:
1) Research
* Go to the local Family History Center and local libraries more often in order to pursue ancestral information.
* Go to at least one major genealogy repository and do research over several days.
* Concentrate on brickwall ancestors, but spend time finding family history items for known ancestors.
2) Data Organization
* Convert items in computer file folders into couple-based digital file folders, including photographs and documents, using systematic file naming protocols.
* Start to weed out extraneous paper from bookcase binders, and enter useful sourced data into genealogy database.
* Start the clean up of the Genealogy Cave so that I can find things.
3) Genealogy Database
* Continue converting existing sources in my database to actual sources (with author, title, publisher, date, page, comments, etc.).
* Eliminate duplicate persons and facts, and add specific page numbers to existing source citations.
* Add sources to unsourced information in my database.
* Update Randy Seaver web page.
4) Education
* Attend at least two genealogy conferences (or cruises) in 2010.
* Participate in Transitional Genealogists Forum monthly chats.
* Obtain or borrow genealogy resource and how-to books of interest.
5) Society Activities
* Attend CVGS, CGSSD and SDGS society programs and seminars.
* Lead CVGS research group effectively.
* Be effective editor of Chula Vista Genealogical Society Newsletter.
* contribute articles to SDGS and CGSSD newsletters.
* Respond to research queries received by CVGS and CV library.
* Help society colleagues and friends with their research if requested.
6) Speaking and Teaching
* Speak to at least five different local and regional genealogical societies in 2010
* Teach three adult education "Beginning Computer Genealogy" classes for OASIS (4 sessions each, 8 hours total each class)
* Speak at local libraries and service groups about genealogy and family history.
7) Writing
* Blog a bit... on Genea-Musings, The Geneaholic, The South San Diego County Graveyard Rabbit, and the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe blogs.
* Publish Volume 23 of the Seaver-Richmond Family Journal for extended family.
* Produce four "Genealogy 2.0" columns for the Federation of Genealogical Societies FORUM magazine.
* Produce six "Digging for Answers" columns for the Online Graveyard Rabbit Journal.
8) Real Life
* Take my wife to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji to celebrate our 40th anniversary
* Visit our daughters and grandchildren, and our brothers and their families, more often in order to make more family history and spread the joy of genealogy research around [yeah, right... they might even read the yearly Family Journal]
* Limit genealogy activities to no more than 10 hours a day... [who put that in? Linda, do you know how to edit this? At least it doesn't say 3 hours]
Here are my DREAMS for 2010:
* Solve all of my major brickwall ancestral challenges - Newton, Dill, Knapp, Smith/Lamphear, Richman, etc.
* Complete the genealogy database source citation, locality resolution, data duplication and note addition.
* Completely reorganize my paper files and computer files.
* Be the #1 genealogy blogger on the Family Tree Magazine list
* completes digitizing and indexing all of their microfilms and microfiches, especially probate records, land records, church records and English parish registers.
* digitizes and indexes more USA and Canadian databases, optimizes their New Search algorithms, and indexes unindexed databases.
* digitizes and indexes more vital records
* digitizes and indexes all of the census records and military records
* digitizes and indexes vital records for all New England states
* and digitize and index all historical newspapers, especially for San Diego.
* launches with an effective navigation system and search engine, and comprehensive lists of online and repository resources.
*,,, and other online family tree databases, permit unrestricted GEDCOM uploads, and provide the ability to synchronize with genealogy software databases to update information.
* Genealogy software programs permit transfer of data, including images, audio and video, from one program to another, and from software to online family tree databases.
* Online family tree databases have report and chart creation capabilities equal to those of genealogy software programs.
* Easy-to-use online collaborative family tree wiki system is created and adopted by millions of genealogists (is it Or FamilySearch Life Browser? Or something else?)
* Family tree data posted online is correct and complete. [then I woke up...]
Hmmm, got carried away a bit there, I guess. We can all dream, can't we?
What are your genealogy goals and dreams?
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Great goals. I think we could all use the one: Cleaning up the genealogy cave!
"Start the clean up of the Genealogy Cave so that I can find things."
"Be the #1 genealogy blogger on the Family Tree Magazine list."
You are #1 on my list!
Vague? LOL I couldn't hope to accomplish half of what is on your list but I'm quite certain you'll get most, if not all of it done. I wish you a wonderful 2010!
And was Linda dreaming with you or alone? You made me look good thanks.
Family thought I spent to much time on computer. Blessings Susican
Hi Randy-
Unfortunately, under no circumstances will the indexing of FamilySearch will be complete in 2010. None. Maybe if more people contributed to the cause, it might speed up the process, but this project is expected to take years (probably well over a decade). FamilySearch doesn't even have a single complete English parish record index up yet, the closest being Cheshire at 95%, and it doesn't even have images up yet. I hope that they can at least put up the content without indexes so that we can at least browse the images. The next English counties to get their parish registers up on Record Search will be Warwickshire, Essex, and Cornwall.
By the way, my major goal is to try and do research in the 'old country'. Most of my family came from areas where their church records weren't filmed, so I would have to visit the churches myself.
Best of luck with your research in 2010!
Great goals Randy! I especially like the one about taking your wife to New Zealand and Austraila! What a lucky woman Linda is!
Good Luck in 2010! You are such a great genealogist and a wonderful geneablogger that I know you can accomplish all of those goals!
I have learn so much from reading your blogs. Though I do not have a blog, your posting of your goals have inspired me to attempt the same task of making my own list of Genealogical goals for the coming year. Looking forward to another year of informative and inspirational posting from you. All the best in the New Year!
Only 10 hours a day? Wow, are you cutting back!
We know you are #1. I agree with fM
A long list of goals, which I think are pretty specific still. If you can do it all, you'll get a lot done in a year.
Obtain or borrow genealogy resource and how-to books of interest is a goal I didn't specifically put on my list, but is definitely something I intend to do this year (especially after reading and doing the first challenge of the 52 weeks to better genealogy).
Wonderful goals and dreams. I especially like personal goal #1.
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