Monday, July 19, 2010

Randy's Speaking in the OC on Wednesday, 21 July

I am making a presentation titled "Finding Your Elusive Ancestors: Doing a Reasonably Exhaustive Search" at the Genealogical Society of North Orange County, California (GSNOCC) on Wednesday, 21 July at 7 p.m. in Yorba Linda, California. The meeting is at the Yorba Linda Community Center (4501 Casa Loma Avenue, near Imperial Highway (see map here).

A program announcement is provided on the GSNOCC Musings blog titled July Program - Randy Seaver. The program description says:

"The first element of the Genealogical Proof Standard [GPS] is 'to do a reasonably exhaustive search.' In this presentation, Randy Seaver will explain the GPS, take us on a whirlwind tour through traditional and online resources that should be included in a search, discuss his favorite search strategies and techniques, and introduce several case studies of his still elusive ancestors."

And to top it off, this is the Ice Cream Social evening for GSNOCC. I'm really looking forward to the evening.

If you have a free evening in the Los Angeles and Orange County area, please come to this meeting and enjoy a genealogical talk (really interesting?) and ice cream (really good!).

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