A funny thing happened five years and three months ago on my way to the ice cream store - I said to myself "Randy, maybe you could blog about something once a week or so...about genealogy, politics, sports, religion, you, know, your life." My wife said "Honey, that would probably be pretty boring - who in the world would read what you write?"
So the experiment began, and 5,000 posts later here I am - stuck in a rut of writing two or three or more blog posts each days about genealogy on Genea-Musings, a daily journal blog post on The Geneaholic almost every day, and occasional posts on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe and the South San Diego County Graveyard Rabbit. Then there's Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus! My wife wonders what I do in the Genealogy Cave every day for eight or ten hours!
Oh, I forgot, there's my society meetings, society presentations, the senior adult and CVGS education classes, and I even find time to spend on online research (and occasional repository research), entering data into my database, entertaining the grandchildren and my wife, and watching Padres baseball games on TV or at Petco Park. There is Life with Genealogy! But, for me, there is no Life without Genealogy! It's part of me, who I am, and has been for 23 years.
In celebration of my 5,000th post (that's over 2.6 posts per day on average, and over 950 posts per year on average), I'm going to take the rest of the day off and take the grandgirls to Sea World today. I'll try to write something tomorrow.
"Life is short - eat ice cream and do genealogy first!"
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
You truly are the Energizer Bunny of genealogy. I hope Sea World was fun and the ice cream good! Looking forward to 5000 more posts.
Hope you enjoyed your day at Sea World! Thanks for all you do in keeping us informed through your blog posts.
Enjoy yr ice cream, you deserved it!
Keep up the good work and talk to you again at 10K...
Brgds from a Dutch reader
Love your quote...and I also love both ice cream and genealogy. I'm new to following you and many other GeneaBloggers. Thank you for your insight and inspiration.
Wow! Congratulations on a real milestone! I hope you have another big ice cream to celebrate at Sea World!
Go Randy! Your posts help me regularly:)
I'm kind of shocked that you haven't yet been asked to be a spokesmodel for a vitamin or energy drink company though.
Amazing accomplishment, and none of us know how you manage to do it. Congratulations big time.
Congratulations on #5000 Randy!
Congratulations, Randy! You're one of the bloggers who inspired me to start my own blog!
Icecream huh? That's your secret?
You're saying that if we only ate more icecream, then we too might approach a thousand posts per year.
Well, it sounds a lot more appealing than some other diets I've heard about ;-)
Congrats Randy on 5,000 Blog Posts!! WOW please keep up the great work as I do enjoy your Blogs alot. Thank you!!
Hugh congratulations to you Randy! Everyone LOVES what you are doing and benefits from it so much! We are thrilled it continuing on! I might have to take up your ice cream diet...LOVE your profile pix!
Congrats Randy, you certainly deserve the day off.
Congrats Randy! Have a wonderful day at Sea World!
5000 is quite an accomplishment ! Congratulations, Randy, and many more. . .
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