Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tombstone Tuesday - Levi Holcomb (1763-1854) in Burnett, Wisconsin

On our Midwest Family History Mystery Tour, we stopped at the Burnett Corners Cemetery in Burnett, Dodge County, Wisconsin.  I wrote about finding the gravestone of Mary (Bell) Smith in Tombstone Tuesday - Mary Smith (1805-1865) in Burnett WI.

I took pictures of one other grave while I was there because I was intrigued by it. 

Today's pictures are the memorial and gravestone of Levi Holcomb (1763-1854), a Revolutionary War soldier.  The front of the memorial, with the gravestone below:

The back of the memorial:

The gravestone reads:

1763 ................................ 1854

The memorial reads (front side):

------o o o -------

Levi Holcomb was born in Granby,
Connecticut on January 15, 1763.  He
enlisted at the age of 16 or 17 as a
substitute for his brother Enos.  After
serving for two months in Captain
Phelps's Company.  Holcomb again en-
listed as a substitute, this time for
his brother, Ezra, who had been
drafter for six months.

Levi served the enlistment in the
Simsbury Mines guarding British
prisoners.  When he received his dis-
(Continued on other side)
Dedicated 2010

The memorial back side reads:

(Continued from other side)
------ o o o ------

charge, he at once enlisted in Captain
Granger's Company of Colonel Samuel
Canfield's Regiment for a period of 15
months.  During this final period of
service, Holcomb was stationed at
Stratford, Connecticut.

After the war, Levi lived in New
York and Pennsylvania.  Holcomb moved
to Wisconsin Territory where he died
in Dodge County around 1854.  Levi
Holcomb is buried in the Burnett
Corners Cemetery.

Funded by the generosity of the Nathaniel Ames
Chapter SAR and the Wisconsin Society
Sons of the American Revolution.

Please note that Levi Holcomb is not my ancestor - I just saw this memorial and thought that I could use it for Tombstone Tuesday, and perhaps lead some of his descendants to where he is buried.

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