Sunday, February 26, 2012

CVGS Program on Wednesday, 29 February: Key Moments in Chula Vista History

The February program meeting of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society (CVGS) will feature Dr. Steven E. Schoenherr speaking on "Key Moments in Chula Vista History."

The program will be held on Wednesday, 29 February, at 12 noon in the Auditorium at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library (365 F Street, Chula Vista).  There will be a short business meeting prior to the presentation.

The program will focus at "Key Moments in Chula Vista History" from the city's origin in the 1886 vision of Col. Dickinson to the city's great leap in size with the 1985 Montgomery annexation.  Dr. Schoenherr recently authored the book Chula Vista Centennial: A Century of People and Progress to celebrate Chula Vista's Centennial.

Dr. Steven E. Schoenherr was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and earned his B.A. in History at Indiana University and his Ph.D. in History at the University of Delaware. He moved to San Diego in 1977 and taught in the Department of History at the University of San Diego from 1977 to 2007.

Schoenherr wrote his dissertation on Stephen Early, FDR's press secretary, and has written articles on Bing Crosby, Jane Addams, and the transistor radio; another project was a web page for the Encyclopaedia Britannica on the History of Sound Recording. He also produced a DVD history of the National Security Agency for Spyfest '03, a DVD set of films and images for the Hearst Symposium '05, and a DVD collection of Universal Newsreels from 1929 to 1967, including a 6-disc set on the World War II era.

Some of Dr. Schoenherr's publications have been multimedia productions, including video documentaries on San Diego's Gaslamp District and the Villa Montezuma; his World War II Seminar at the University of San Diego involved teams of students and produced the World War II Timeline website.

Now retired, Schoenherr recently co-authored a book on the history of Bonita for Arcadia's “Images of America” series. His article on “National City In Pictures” was published in the Journal of San Diego History, Summer 2008.

If you have a copy of Dr. Schoenherr's book, he will be happy to autograph it for you.  If you wish to purchase a copy of the Chula Vista Centennial book, please bring your checkbook.

Please note that entry to the Auditorium will be ONLY through the main doors off of the South entrance to the Library.  There will be no entry through the Conference Room door off of the East entrance to the library.

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Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2012

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