It's Treasure Chest Thursday - time to share an artifact or a document image from my collection of ancestral stuff.
The treasure today is the 1851 English Census record for the James Richman family in Hilperton, Wiltshire.
The information for the James Richman family on this census record is:
* Parish
* Village of: Hilperton
* No. of Household Schedule: 88
* Name of Street, Place, or Road, and Name or No. of House: Hilperton
* Name and Surname of each Person who abode in this house, on the Night of the 30th March, 1851:
* Relation to Head of Family
* Condition:
* Age of Male/Female:
* Rank Profession or Occupation:
* Where Born:
** James Richman - Head, Mar[ried], Male, 29, Coal Merchant Lab[ou]r, Wilts. Marsh
** Hannah Richman - Wife, Mar[ried], Female, 25, Woolen Weaver, Wilts. Marsh
** Thomas Richman - Son, ---, 2, male, ---, Wilts, Marsh
** James Richman - Son, ---, 1, male, ---, Wilts. Marsh
I first obtained this record from a Family History Library microfilm, so the source citation I have is:
1851 Census of England, Wiltshire, Hilperton [parish], District 257, Folio 254 verso, household 88, James Richman household; Public Record Office HO 107/1840, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah; FHL BRITISH microfilm 220,987.
However, I obtained the census image above from the UK Census database on, so a reference note citation for that image is:
1851 England and Wales Census, Hilperton (Village), Wiltshire, Hilperton [parish], page 21 (penned), household 88, James Richman, Public Record Office HO 107/1840; online image, ( : accessed 30 April 2012).
Those are probably not "perfect" but they're probably "good enough." I developed them in RootsMagic 5 source templates, but they do not match the Evidence! Explained models exactly for some reason (pages 301 to 305 of the First Edition).
James and Hannah (Rich) Richman are my second great-grandparents, and migrated to the United States in 1855/6 with their children.
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Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver
Randy, the correct citation for your census page is HO 107/1840 folio 254 page 21. This is the unique identifier for this page, whether you are using microfilm or a website (or on very rare occasions the fragile original books, produced as a last resort when the film or scan is illegible).
Most people access the 1851 census using Ancestry (The National Archives licensed partner for this census) and it is a requirement that census pages should be accessible online using the full document reference on licensed partner sites. You may need to switch to 'Old search' to do this on Ancestry. You can also use the full reference on Other sites that carry the England and Wales census may offer the same facility, but I am only really familiar with Ancestry and FMP.
I was interested in your earlier post where you compared the search facilities for the 1851 census on a number of sites. A direct search on would have suited your requirements; the free search facility gives enough detail for you to identify the right entry, and you don't need a subscription to access the image because FMP always offer a pay-per-view option. This is also a feature of their US site which only offers US census material at the moment, but they have plans to add UK censuses in future.
To further expand on census references, that style of reference will work for all censuses from 1851 to 1901, just varying the series, piece, folio and page numbers. The 1841 census requires one more thing for a unique reference, that being the inclusion of the details of the book the information came from. The 1911 census by contrast just needs the series number, the piece number and the schedule number for it to be a unique reference.
The full footnote for your reference would be:
The National Archives of the United Kingdom, "1851 Census of England and Wales," HO 107/1840, folio 254, page 21.
The short footnote for your reference would be:
TNA, HO 107/1840, f 254, p 21.
One thing where Kew is infinitely better than NARA is its catalogue references. It has a consistent reference system that is also concise. They also provide clear guidelines on their website as to how things should be cited.
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