Thursday, May 3, 2012

Planning More Genealogy Fun - Searching for John Seaver's Parents

In Tuesday's post, Committing Genealogy Fun - Helping a CorrespondentI found the parents of a Lola Seaver who was not in my Seaver database.  George F. and Hannah R. (Ham) Seaver were the parents of Lola M. Seaver and William H. Seaver (and three other children).  Yesterday, in Committing Genealogy Fun - Part 2, I found that George's parents were John D. and Sarah (Maddox) Seaver, and that John was born in 1798 in Worcester, Massachusetts to John and Phebe Seaver.

However, I don't have a John Seaver in  my database who married a Phebe in Worcester County, Massachusetts in that time frame.  In the second post, I noted that I do have a Nathan and Phebe (Smith) Seaver who were having children in Worcester, Massachusetts between 1794 and 1803, and a 1798 birth of John Seaver would fit right into this family.

How can I determine who the parents are of John Seaver (1798-1861)?  Here is what I've come up with so far for evidence gathering:

1)  Search for more information about John and Sarah (Maddox) Seaver:

*  Search Ancestry Member Trees and Rootsweb WorldConnect for them.
*  Search for John Seaver and Sarah Seaver's gravestones on Find-a-Grave and 
*  Search the USGenWeb Archives for references to them.
*  Search on for records of them.
*  Search Ancestry, Fold3, WorldVitalRecords, and for town, vital, church, census, military and other records for them.
*  Do a Google search using "john seaver" "seaver john" and "john * seaver" plus "portsmouth."  Do it again with "sever" instead of "seaver."  This should uncover Google Books and Internet Archive book matches.
*  Search the BYU Family History Archives books.
*  Search for newspaper articles on, GenealogyBank and Chronicling America.
*  Search the FHL catalog for Portsmouth, Rockingham County and New Hampshire town, vital, church, probate, land, tax and other records.  Review indexes and records on microfilm.
*  Search the FHL catalog for Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts town, vital, church, probate, land, tax and other records.  Review indexes and records on microfilm.

2)  Search for information about Nathan and Persis (Smith) Seaver:

*  Search Ancestry Member Trees and Rootsweb WorldConnect for them..
*  Search for Nathan Seaver and Persis Seaver's gravestone on Find-a-Grave and  
*  Search on for records of them.
*  Search Ancestry, Fold3, WorldVitalRecords, and for town, vital, church, census, military and other records for them.
*  Search the USGenWeb Archives for references to them.
*  Do a Google search using "nathan seaver" "seaver nathan" plus "worcester."  Do it again with "sever" instead of "seaver."
*  Search the BYU Family History Archives books.
*  Search for newspaper articles on, GenealogyBank and Chronicling America.
*  Search the FHL catalog for Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts town, vital, church, probate, land, yax and other records.  Review indexes and records on microfilm.

3)  Broaden the search in Worcester County, Massachusetts for records of a John Seaver who married a Persis.

What other online, microfilm or book records should I search for and review?

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver

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