Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Janet Hovorka's Presentations at Jamboree 2012

Janet Hovorka, the creator and owner of Family ChartMasters, and The Chart Chick blog, made three excellent presentations at the Southern California Genealogical Society Genealogy Jamboree 2012.  They were:

1)  "Hatching Eggs: The Chart Chick Engages Her Teenage Children With Their Family History."  You can view this presentation, in Prezi format, at

2)  "Magnifying Glass, Wide-Angle Lens or Telescope?  Charts to Visualize Your Family Tree."  You can view this presentation, in Prezi format, at  There is a 30 minute video tutorial for Family ChArtist at

3)  "Advocating Genealogy and Growing the Market:  Issues of the New Genealogist."  This presentation is not available online as far as I know.

I am really intrigued by the Prezi style of presentation.  I love the transitions from slide to slide and find myself trying to guess what's going to happen next.  I thought maybe it would be distracting for audience members during a presentation, but it actually enhanced my interest and curiosity about "what's coming next.

Thank you to Janet for making two of her presentations available to her audience.

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Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver


Jenna said...

Randy, I saw Janet's "Advocating Genealogy" presentation at Rootstech and loved it! I blogged about the presentation, but don't think I mentioned Prezi. I do know I immediately Googled Prezi because I was so impressed with it's format.

Janet Hovorka said...

I'm so glad you liked the presentations. We've added our new video with 4 lectures on involving your family in their family history, including the hatching eggs lecture to our video selection on the website. And the "Magnifying Glass..." video is also on the chart video there along with a couple of others. And we had a great discussion with "Advocating Genealogy." created of video of it. I had a great time presenting them. I'm glad you enjoyed them.