My criteria for "Best of ..." are pretty simple - I pick posts that advance knowledge about genealogy and family history, address current genealogy issues, provide personal family history, are funny or are poignant. I don't list posts destined for the genealogy carnivals, or other meme submissions (but I do include summaries of them), or my own posts.
Here are my picks for great reads from the genealogy blogs for this past week:
* In Search of ... Baby Taylor by P.J. Sabados on the Adventuring in Ancestry blog. P.J. tracked down a missing child in an ancestral family - great analysis and persistence.
* Carnival of Genealogy, 118th Edition by Jasia on the Creative Gene blog. There are 16 entries for this Carnival on the topic of "Reading!" Enjoy.
* No Big Deal by James Tanner on the Genealogy's Star blog. Great and accurate (IMHO) observations...been there, done that.
* I'm Back! by Bart Brenner on the Stardust 'n' Roots blog. Welcome back, Bart...we missed you. Great observations too!
* Alone in the Wilderness by Jill Ball on the Geniaus blog. Jill has words of encouragement for geneabloggers, and thinks we should continue to be different, lead collaboration by example, and press on. I'm in!
* Elizabeth Shown Mills Ten-Point Study Blueprint by Angela McGhee on the Adventures in Genealogy Education blog. Angela shares ESM's blueprint - if you want to improve your research and writing skills, this is how.
* The Genealogy Generational Disconnect by Elyse Doerflinger on Elyse's Genealogy Blog. Elyse shares her thoughts on this issue.
* Why Just Genealogical Research is Not Enough by J.M. on the Tracing My Roots blog. J.M. has great advice for family history writers - that I think not enough genealogists learn until it's too late.
* What happens when you learn to do genealogy right by Beirne Konarski on the GenVoyage blog. Beirne 's interesting post explores the challenges faced by genealogists as they mature - I can really identify with this!
Several genea-bloggers wrote weekly pick posts and news summary posts this week, including:
* Monday Morning Mentions by Lynn Palermo on The Armchair Genealogist blog.
* Monday Recap for June 4, 2012 by Amanda on The Geni Blog.
* Ruth's Recommendations by Ruth Blair on The Passionate Genealogist blog.
* Genealogy Round Up, June 7 by Megan Smolenyak on the Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak's Roots World Blog.
* Follow Friday: This Week's Favorite Finds by Jen on the Climbing My Family Tree blog.
* Genealogy News Corral, June 4-8 by Diane Haddad on The Genealogy Insider blog.
I encourage readers to go to the blogs listed above and read their articles, and add their blogs to your Favorites, Google Reader, RSS feed or email if you like what you read. Please make a comment to them also - all bloggers appreciate feedback on what they write.
Did I miss a great genealogy blog post? Tell me! I am currently reading posts from over 1200 genealogy bloggers using Google Reader, but I still miss quite a few it seems.
Read past Best of the Genea-Blogs posts here.
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Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver
Thanks for mentioning the COG, Randy!
BTW, I read all your posts from Jamboree. I'm glad you and Linda had a good time!
Great round up Randy. I would have missed several of these posts but enjoyed them all. I'm sure the contributors appreciate the linking as well.
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