Wednesday, February 6, 2013

SDGS Program is 9 February: Gena Philibert Ortega

The 9 February 2013 Saturday meeting of the San Diego Genealogical Society will be held at St. Andrews Lutheran Church (8350 Lake Murray Blvd, just south of Jackson Drive) starting at 10 a.m. until about 12:30 p.m.

The program speaker is Gena Philibert-Ortega.  Gena's two presentations are:

1)  American Church Records:  Have you looked for your American ancestors' church records?  We often concentrate on government sources and neglect other resources that can be equally as valuable.  In this lecture we will uncover what can be found in church records, the types of sources, and where they are archived.  No matter what church or religion your ancestors participated in, church records can fill in an important piece of the puzzle.

2)  I LOVE Libraries:  Libraries are essential to genealogical research, but where to start?  Learn more about the types of libraries that exist, where to find them, and how to effectively search a library's card catalog.  Think you know everything there is to know about libraries?  We'll uncover a secret or two that will enhance your research.

The first program will start just after 10 a.m., followed by a 20 minute break for snacks and drinks, then a short announcement and opportunity drawing session, and then the second program.

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