1) On Top Ten Characteristics of a Good Genealogist (26 February 2013):
* Cary Bright offered: "Two things - Memberships in Genealogical Organizations and though implied in #9, networking with like minded family researchers/genealogists"
* Greta Koehl commented: "Able to combine logical and intuitive thinking to the best effect. Plus one that is sort of a restatement of patient and persistent - not easily discouraged."
* Linda Huesca Tully noted: "A creative thinker - able to step back in time and see things in their historical context or through the eyes of an ancestor; able to "think outside the box" when up against a brick wall."
* Margie suggested: "Being able to communicate, in person or via the written word, whether with people from whom you are trying to obtain information or being able to explain what you have found to someone unfamiliar with or new to genealogical research.
"And, having good analytical skills. Being able to find and assemble data is one thing, being able to decipher what is good or how this data leads to more data or the answer to the research question is another skill entirely. (sort of a restatement of what Greta says...)"
* Bob Howey said: "The best genealogists I know have a strong sense of historical and local context - they understand the community and what daily life and work was like. They also solve the most difficult puzzles knowing they need to go beyond the individual ancestor being studied to look at the web of family and community relationships. This is a perspective I do not have, but those I regard most highly do. I suppose this is really an integration of many of the other 9 characteristics you've identified. That integration takes the skills to a higher level."
* Bonnie noted: "Doing their OWN work (versus 'copying'), even if they've come across other, reputable research, still checking the sources. Everyone makes mistakes. Rechecking your own facts and data and admitting if/when you've erred and correcting it."
My comments: All of those are excellent suggestions. Thank you to all of you for suggesting them. I guess we could go for the Top 15 or Top 20, eh? If I had to choose one of them for #10, I think I would add Bob Howey's suggestion.
2) On Canadian Census Records on FamilySearch (28 February 2013):
* Liz (paperquilter) offered: "There are images for Canadian census records on the Library and Archives Canada website, for 1851, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 and the Prairie Province extra censuses for 1906 and 1916. An index for 1911 was added this week, in partnership with Ancestry. There are many other very useful Canadian databases available from this same page:
http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/lac-bac/search-recherche/anc.php?Language=eng"Another site with connection to the original images is http://automatedgenealogy.com, with indexes to 1901, 1906, 1911 and 1851.
"I know these won't link directly to your tree on FamilySearch, but you can save and upload them, can't you? Good luck with your Canadian ancestors!"
* Celia Lewis noted: "I wondered why on earth you were using FamilySearch instead of either Library & Archives Canada or Automated Genealogy for Canadian Census images... Lovely images to dig around in."
* Elizabeth Lapointe commented: "I use Ancestry.ca, then Library and Archives Canada, and then FamilySearch - in that order! In Canada Census Records, you have to use all three to make sure that you have done a complete searching process. And you can add in AutomatedGenealogy as a fourth source.
"On average, it does take longer to do Canadian genealogy, than it does in other countries. There is so much to check, although you can usually find what you are looking for, if you have patience."
* Elizabeth Lapointe commented: "I use Ancestry.ca, then Library and Archives Canada, and then FamilySearch - in that order! In Canada Census Records, you have to use all three to make sure that you have done a complete searching process. And you can add in AutomatedGenealogy as a fourth source.
"On average, it does take longer to do Canadian genealogy, than it does in other countries. There is so much to check, although you can usually find what you are looking for, if you have patience."
My response: Thank you, Liz, Celia and elizabeth, for the update on the Canadian sites with census images. You're right, I can save the images and upload them using the TreeConnect feature on the FamilySearch Family Tree, and can attach them to Persons and Events in my database. I knew they were there...but was thinking I wanted FamilySearch data for the FSFT.
3) On Source Citation for World War I Draft Registration Card (27 February 2013):
* Colleen G. Brown Pasquale asked: "What about those of us who do not have RootsMagic? I have Family Tree Maker."
My response: You should use the source template feature in Family Tree Maker. I will try to remember to do an example next week on my blog. Thanks for the blog fodder idea!
4) On Tuesday's Tip - Check Out Randy's Genealogy Links (26 February 2013):
* Dan Stone suggested: "There are some fantastic maps, including old plat maps for a wide variety of locations, at historicmapworks.com"
My response: Yes, there are. I will add that to my list! Thanks, Dan.
5) On (Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 245: The Honeymooners Return (27 February 2013):
* Amy Coffin commented: "Great photo, Randy. Is there ever a time when Linda isn't tan? She always looks like she just came back from a beach vacation when I see her at conferences. Like you, I burn, too."
My comment: I don't know where that comes from genetically - her ancestry is essentially 1/4 Norwegian, 1/4 German, and 1/2 British Isles. Maybe the 1/8 Irish? She swims almost every day, but rarely in the sun it seems.
6) On SNGF Genealogy OCD Posts Compendium (17 February 2013):
* tn5rr2012 said: "I always said that my idea of heaven would be arriving at the pearly gates and all my ancestors are waiting for me to tell me what I got right and how WRONG I was about other things, then we would all sit around a table and I would hear first hand accounts of their lives and what it really was like to be them and live when they did."
My comment: An interesting concept of heaven...a bunch of ancestors you don't know show up without any evidence and give you verbal heat for not finding the records they didn't leave behind!
7) Thank you to all of my readers that take the time to comment on my blog posts - does anyone defeat the Captcha the first time every time? Remember, patience and persistence is one of the 10 characteristics in everyone's list!
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2013/03/follow-up-friday-helpful-and-useful.html
Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver
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