Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday's Tip - FindMyPast Offers a Society Membership Program

This weeks Tuesday's Tip is:  Enroll your genealogical society in the FindMyPast Society Membership Program to obtain a discounted World Subscription for society members.  

I spoke with Jen Baldwin of FindMyPast (a genealogy records provider with United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, and Australia/New Zealand record collections) at the recent SCGS Genealogy Jamboree, and she described the FindMyPast Society Membership Program.

This page indicates:

"As part of our commitment to the family history community, findmypast is always looking for ways to assist genealogical and historical societies across the United States. In partnership with the Federation of Genealogical Societies, we are pleased to offer the Society Membership Program.
"Through this program, we will provide each member of your society a discount to our 12-month world subscription to findmypast.com equal to the value to your society’s individual membership dues*. For example, if dues to your society are $50 per member, we will create a code for them to claim a $50 discount on findmypast.com. [Note - there is a $70 maximum]
"You are free to use this discount as an added benefit of membership in your society, helping you to entice prospective members and continue to engage renewing members with your organization.
"Findmypast.com will assign a chief contact person to work with you on implementing the logistics of the discount for your members. When you sign up with the Society Membership Program, your society will receive a marketing kit that will include advertisements for your publications, flyers for your events and verbiage to be used in your communications regarding the discount offer."
There is a link on the web page for societies to sign up for this program.

The retail cost of an annual World subscription to FindMyPast is $199.50 for U.S. residents.  So this is a significant discount.

Readers can see the list of available record collections here.

One of the most important reasons to subscribe to FindMyPast is to be able to access the PERiodical  Source Index (PERSI) - a bibliography of articles published in genealogical periodicals and newsletters.  The PERSI information page is here.

I am a paid FindMyPast subscriber and use the record collections often while searching for my English ancestors and their collateral lines.  They do have all of the U.S. Census records, a significant newspaper collection, and other U.S. record collections.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/06/tuesdays-tip-findmypast-offers-society.html

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver

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