Thursday, July 31, 2014

Finding Seaver Folks in a Specific Place In My Database

Today's Boston 1775 blog post by J.L. Bell is titled Preserving New England's Church Records and is important for all New England researchers.

J.L. provides one example of a church record, and it highlights the activities of a Mrs. Seaver in Hopkinton, Mass. in 1773.  When I read this,  I said to myself "hmmm, I wonder who that can be?"  He promises to write about "Tracking down Mrs. Seaver" in Friday's post - I can hardly wait to see what he finds.

So how can I figure who this might be on my own?  Ah, I could use the "Find all events in one place" option in the "Place List" in RootsMagic 6!  Here's what I did:

1)  On the RootsMagic screen, I clicked on the "reports" link and then "Lists" and found the "Place List" item:

2)  After clicking "OK' to Create the Report, I had the "Report Settings" screen, and I could choose "Find events in a single place" from the dropdown list:

3)  By clicking on the chosen option, the screen showed a button to "Select place:"

4)  When I clicked on that button, the list of all places showed up, and I started typing Hopkinton and the list of places appeared:

5.  I selected "Hopkinton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States" from the list.  When I clicked it, it showed up in the "Report Settings" screen:

6)  Now, all I have to do is click the "Generate Report" button to create the list of all events in my database that refers to Hopkinton.  It's a four page report.

There are Seaver folks on the list.  One hint - I think "Mrs. Seaver's" maiden surname initial is C.

I will refrain from spilling all of the beans in this post - interested readers should check the Boston 1775 blog on Friday to see what J.L. Bell finds out!

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver

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