Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New "Sample Source Citations" Page on Genea-Musings

As most of my Genea-Musings readers know (and may relish, or recoil from), I have been crafting source citations using Evidence Explained models in RootsMagic for documents I present in my weekly Amanuensis Monday, Treasure Chest Thursday, and some other blog posts.  They aren't always exactly right, but they're close!  I try really hard.

Rather than rely on memory (the half-life of my memory of a recent blog post now is about one week!), I created a Page on the blog for "Sample Source Citations."

Note the Pages that are listed, as links, under the blog title/description box above, and above the actual title/text area.  "Sample Source Citations" is on the second row of links.  Since the Page is not on an RSS feed, you will have to click on the links in the Pages row of links.

These are organized by Record Type, and then have one or more examples of source citations I have crafted over the past few years.  I have also listed the blog post that created the source citation when there is one available.

Obviously, I haven't crafted a source citation for every record type, or every media type (paper, microform, online), and put it on the list.  I will add more as time goes on.

This will probably be a big help to me, but I'm not sure how much help that it will provide to my readers.

If readers want to suggest a record type and media type to work through, i'll be happy to tackle it.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/08/new-sample-source-citations-page-on.html

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver


Nancy said...

Thank you, Randy! What a helpful thing to do for the rest of us RM users with less experience.

Anonymous said...

I really like this idea. What a great job you've done with this, and it's something that will be very helpful. One minor suggestion might be to include the relevant Evidence Explained source model (for example, 7.31 or 8.3) for the citation samples you're creating.

sf said...

I save samples as well for later use but have them in Evernote. Sure saves time and aggravation!

Lisa S. Gorrell said...

These are great, Randy. I really liked how you linked the citation back to the blog post. More cousin bait for sure!