The treasure today is the 1861 Canada West Census record for my 4th great-grandparents, Frederick and Mary Jane (Hutchinson) Sovereen in Windham township, Norfolk County, Canada West:
The Frederick Sovereen household snippet is:
The information extracted from this census record is:
* Frederick Sovereen - a farmer, born in U.S.A., Baptist religion, age 75, male, married, one male family member in household, one female family member in household, lives in a Frame house with 1-1/2 stories, and two families in the house.
* Jane Sovereen - born in New Brunswick, Baptist religion, age 70, female, married.
The second family in the house is that of his granddaughter, Mary Catherine (Smith) Carlyle (age 26), married to John Carlyle (age 33, born in England), and their two children, Frederick Carlyle (age 7) and James Carlyle (age 2).
The source citation for this record found on the Library and Archives Canada website is:
Census of Canada, 1861, Canada West, Norfolk District, Windham sub-district, Page 76, Lines 12-13, Frederick Sovereen household ; digital image, Library and Archives Canada ( : accessed 23 August 2013); citing Library and Archives Canada Microfilm C-1053.
By this date, all four of the children of Frederick and Mary Jane (Hutchinson) Sovereen are in homes of their own in nearby townships.
I am descended through their son, Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907), who married Eliza Putman (1820-1895) in 1840.
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Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
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