Today, I received the email from FamilySearch that said:
Dear Randy Seaver,
Attached please find the document(s) you requested from FamilySearch. We hope that this will help in furthering your research. It has been our pleasure to serve you.
It will be necessary to use a PC to access this attachment. Family Search is not set up to handle Ipad, Iphone or Mac devices.
Thank you for contacting the FamilySearch support team. Your support case #00796736 has been successfully created. You can view your case details, including relevant knowledge articles in the Help Center by clicking the link below. You may be required to sign in.
This is your original case description: LHF Request for photo duplication
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us directly by phone or chat. Click on < help> for details.
The image of the requested page was attached:
As I suspected, this is the first page of several pages (I don't know how many) of a case in a county probate court clerk's volume. At least I know that this is the correct John Seaver, since Christopher Hack, a son-in-law, is mentioned in the document above. The will, and any other information, may be on succeeding pages. I don't know.
Rather than request succeeding pages using this process, I'm going to put this on my to-do list for February 2015 when I'm at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. There are some documents that span more than one page, and it's probably easier to access them in person rather than using this photoduplication process.
The system works well. I imagine it works much better when the user knows the page number and image number for a specific record (vital, census, passenger list, etc.).
This request was fulfilled within five weeks by FamilySearch, right in their 4 to 6 week window quoted earlier.
for information on how to order a digital image of a record on FamilySearch microfilm, see Requesting a Microfilm Image From the FHL.
The URL for this post is:
Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
Randy, this system works extremely well when ordering birth, marriage, or death certificates for NYC (for certain dates from late 1800s to early 1900s). You start at Steve Morse's website where you can efficiently search the IGG (Italian Genealogical Group) indexes. The search results provide all the information needed to easily make a request from the FHL photo duplication services. I've obtained almost 50 images over the past year or so and have about 20 on a list of certificates still to obtain.
Although I've known about this service for a while I only tried it this month. My first request was receivd within a week, the 2nd and 3rd within 9 days. As these requests were for marriage and death records in VA counties I shared the images of the entire double page on Facebook with the county genealogy group. No need for other members of the group to submit requests for the same images.
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